Ghali buys a boat names it after his song and

Ghali buys a boat, names it after his song and gives it to Mediterranea to save migrants

In the last few weeks the landings of migrants On the Italian coasts, many boats have been rescued in the Mediterranean. Every year the desperate attempt of all population groups fleeing their country, which is tormented by war or very difficult social and economic situations. ghali – always sensitive to the issue of immigration – has decided to support the non-governmental organization Mediterranea – Saving Humans with a Ad Hoc Fundraising. The crowdfunding targets have been designed so that the Ionian Sea – the only Italian-flagged civil search and rescue fleet vessel in the central Mediterranean – can count on them two new “lifeboats”: fast lifeboats with the relatively new launching/emergency watering devices, the extra generator needed to make them work, and “life rafts” (self-inflating boats) that they incorporate. The first lifeboat to be purchased with Ghali’s donation will be operational in August and it will be called Baynawhich means “see clearly”, like the song included on his new album Sensazione Ultra.

Mediterranea’s commitment

Mediterranea – save people has been involved in since October 2018 witness and denounce what is happening in our sea and to help those who get into trouble in these waters. This year, Mediterranea has already carried out three missions at sea in which 306 migrants rescued and took an active part in the Solidarity with the Ukrainian peoples He has completed three ground missions in the war zone, delivering over 40 tons of humanitarian aid and rescuing over two hundred people without making any distinction of nationality or origin.

Ghali’s words

“Since I was a child, this has been a pervasive issue in my life, friends, family and relatives are concerned and traumatized by what is happening every day in the Mediterranean. – has explained ghali on social media – Hundreds of people die at sea every yearIt is estimated that around 850 people have died since last January alone and around 16,000 have been illegally returned to Libya. This is a topic that is rarely talked about in our countryand for this reason I have decided to support Mediterranea by donating a boat that will enable the team to continue rescue operations in the months to come, because every additional rescue vessel at sea can mean the difference between life and death for thousands of women turn off. Men and children on the way”.

He then pocketed the punch: “It seems absurd to me to have to repeat that saving lives must precede any political decision. This is not a sacrifice for me, but a privilege. When we started rap we didn’t think we would get anything back then you all came and changed my life. For this reason, out
As a human, I feel obligated to give something back to the community“.

Finally the artist closed with a appeal: “Operation Bayna aims to assist those saving lives at sea and to shed light on an important issue for humanity, My contribution is just a spark and I am sure that together we can make a difference“.

Photo by Nabil Elderkin via Goigest Press Office