Ghira, Guido and Izzo: Where the Circeo murderers are today. The escapes, the hatred of Colasanti: “It will end like Lopez…”

Italy is today moved and outraged by this matter Femicidean emergency more relevant than ever, but the memory of the three remains in everyone’s mind “Lords” of good Romethe “good guys” who got bloody hands from heinous crimes and ran home to have dinner with mom and dad in the lull between one rape and the next. Andrea Ghira, Gianni Guido and Angelo Izzo: tortured and raped for 36 hours in 1975 Rosaria Lopez and Donatella Colasanti. They then believed they were both dead and loaded the bodies into the boot of a Fiat 127, confident they would get away with it. Rosaria Lopezdrowned in the bathtub, she hadn’t survived torture, While Donatella Colasanti was miraculously saved, also pretend he was dead.

The story is revived in the TV series “Circeo”.

The TV series Circeo, in prime time on Rai 1 on Tuesday November 28th the final episodesreconstructs the History of the massacre and the trials that followed. What happened to Ghira, Guido and Izzo? The one against the three tormentors was one historical process, which ended with one exemplary sentence, to applause from feminists. But it was also the next story – the cover-ups of the guilty, the escapes, the revisions of the verdict demanded by appropriate compensation, the unjustified rewards – to do with these 36 hours the news sequence of inhumane violence Most shocking after World War II.

Ghira immediately flees

That it was a intentional crime It was immediately understood: on the same evening of September 30, 1975, that Donatella Colasanti’s moans in the trunk of the 127 parked in Viale Pola brought horror into the homes of all Italians, one of the trio went missing. While the carabinieri dragged Izzo and Guido to the hospital to come face to face with the survivor, the leader of the gang, who grew up in the delirium of comfort and omnipotenceAndrea Ghira who quoted Nietzsche to ennoble his brutal impulses and declared himself a supporter of the Marseille boss, Jacques Berenguerhe was already packing his clothes into his suitcase.

“The little bitch will come to a bad end”

Direction: Spain. Shortly afterwards, thanks to previous contacts related to militancy in the extreme right, he enrolled in the Tercio, the Spanish Foreign Legion, under the false name Massimo Testa de Andres. His father Aldo, a building contractor and former Olympic water polo champion, and his mother Cecilia (“My mother’s heart feels nothing,” she told the newspapers) were suspected of helping him. He certainly didn’t work, but he managed a lot of money. “Dear friends, do not worry about my inaction,” he wrote in a letter to Izzo and Guido the night before his disappearance. “I have about 13 million lire.” As for this little bitch, will end up like Lopez. Stay calm and see you soon.”

The precedents of the massacres

THE Mr and Mrs Ghira They could not say that they had not had any signs: the 22-year-old former student of the classical high school Giulio Cesare, theorist of “absolute evil” as a shortcut to social validation, was also reported for injuries, beatings and “riotous gatherings”, had spent several years in prison for an armed robbery in an engineering house in 1973. He was with him Izzoagain convicted of raping two girls, one of whom was forced to have sexual intercourse with a gun pointed at her head on March 2, 1974.

The same Izzo who, years later, summed up his worldview to Franca Leosini as follows: “For us, women were pieces of meat, not people.” And who would explain in other interviews: “We were warriors. We robbed, we raped, we killed. That was our mentality. The only bond: our friendship.”

The only one with a clean criminal record, Gianni GuidoSon of a high-ranking bank official, who, despite his active participation in the massacre, grew up in a magnificent villa in the Trieste district, benefited from being a little less ruthless and a step lower on the ladder of evil. as well as from the covers we will see.

The Latina trial: three life sentences

And we’re coming to Processes. The trial, which took place on June 30, 1976 in the Latina Assize Court, was followed by a heart-in-mouth Italy, which was admired by the determination of the lawyer Tina Lagostena Bassi and the steadfastness of Donatella, who endured the tortures he suffered had, repeated minute by minute, went down in history books as a media, legal and political event: the contemptuous faces of the “good guys”, the demonstrations by the feminists who were always present at the hearings, the participation of intellectuals and personalities are at the forefront of the unanimous demand after The judiciary laid the foundation for a long path that, twenty years later, in 1996, would finally lead to the law recognizing sexual violence as a “crime against the person” and no longer as “against morals”.

The sentence of lifelong prison sentence at the expense of both of them defendants present in the courtroom (Izzo and Guido) and the third in absence (Ghira) was pronounced on July 26 by the President of the Court a crowded classroom, who cried tears of joy. From that moment on, Donatella became the paladin the rights of all women. But for her it is time for new tears – from Disbelief and despair – he would be here soon…

The first escape and the roll call

Another constant in the crime saga were the prison guards who pretended not to see anything and the families who fought to free the two sons from prison while the third was on Iberian soil. Guido and Izzo They tried it as early as January 1977 the escape from that Latina prison: They were arrested and later received another 4-year prison sentence.

The episode was not given appropriate weight. Three years later, on October 28, 1980, at the end of the appeal process, the judges decided to turn a blind eye to the least unpresentable (or richest) of the three: The life sentence was confirmed for the fugitive Ghira and the hallucinated Izzo and reduced to 30 years for Guidothe “warrior”, the Evening of the massacre he had taken a break, he had flown to Rome to sit at the table with me Parents and he had the liveried waitress serve him the schnitzel and then returned to the Villa Maresca torture, rape, kill.

Guido flees, the feminists rise up

The second-degree sentence was arousing dismayed in public opinion: According to the judges’ reasons, Guido deserved it mitigating circumstances as “He approached crime for the first time”because he had written a letter to the court explaining “a certain remorse” and for the compensation of 100 million lire paid to Rosaria’s relatives (Donatella was offered 45, but she refused indignantly).

After three months, however desire to atone had already dissolved: the January 25, 1981 Guido actually escaped from the San Gimignano prison – in front of which the feminists put up the sign the next morning.Guido escape, Ghira escape… Cheer up, Izzo, enough of the lira!» – and from that moment on (while the parents were under investigation bribed a security guard), began his leak in friendly countries: Argentinawhere he was arrested and still managed to escape, and Panama.

An unbeliever DonatellaOn September 30, 1983, the day the Court of Cassation upheld the appeal ruling, he blurted out to reporters: “Everyone knows where Ghira and Guido are today, but no one bothers to do anything to catch them. What country is this?»

The Black International and chicken farming

The shadow of occult entitieshalfway between the criminal world and black subversion, represented another crucial point. On May 28, 1994, Ansa reported the arrest of Guido To Chorreraan agricultural center 30 kilometers away Panamawhile “he was with a woman.”

Captured for Circeo? Not worse. The investigation by the Milan Police Headquarters and Criminalpol, based on telephone tapping and the shadowing of some employees, arose from the investigation into the massacres of Fountain Square (1969) and by Brescia (1974) opened by the Milan judge Guido Salvini. The background was another escape of the “good guys”, this time from Izzowho did not return to prison in Alessandria after a year Premium Approval in August 1993.

Well, based on the investigation into the “ball-eyed” murderer, the police had traced the trail Complicity on the far rightfor example, to represent the presence of a “black international”. Protection of refugeesmodeled on the infamous film “Odessa,” which documented the escape of Nazi criminals in the 1940s.

The fact is that Guido is an artistBefore his arrest and return to Italian prisons, he had gotten off scot-free in Panama: below wrong name he had put on a great one Chicken breedingnew entrepreneurial adventure after moving from Argentina, where he spent years with theaka Andrea MarianiHe had worked in the car dealership.

Ghira from her aunt in Lourdes

Meanwhile things weren’t going so well Andrea Ghira. The leader of the Pariolini initially found refuge in France, among other things Lourdesfrom an aunt who ran a facility for the disabled, and then in one Israeli kibbutz. But according to later findings, he had already moved into the barracks in June 1976 Tercio of Melillathe Spanish enclave in Morocco.

His career in the Foreign Legion was crowned with the ranks corporaluntil he was expelled in 1993 Possession of narcotics and found himself without cover. The “warrior” elevated by the myth of the superman died of an overdose the following year and was buried, at least officially, in the Melilla cemetery: one simple gravea white rectangle with a black crossand the sign with name, rank and date of birth, postponed by a few years.

The mystery of Ghira’s death

But was he really the “Berenguer”? Director of Martyrdom of the two “hamlets” in Dad’s villa? The actual identity appeared to be confirmed by the investigation fingerprints and from the reliefs the DNA carried out, although both Donatella (“It’s only gossip that misleads”) and Letizia Lopez, her sister (“Strange: Why didn’t the Spanish consulate warn Italy about this boy’s death?”) expressed doubts Staging to give the tormentor a second life. Was a relative’s body with compatible DNA? In the following years Ghira or be doppelganger were spotted Brazil, Kenya, South Africaand even to Romeaccording to a photo obtained by police, so much so that he was transformed into an ephemeral, almost legendary figure.

Izzo’s criminal encore

Very present crime sceneHowever, he stood his ground Angelo Izzothe one as a slim and sexually young boy complex he had turned into an increasingly wild man. After the prison break in 1993 from which the investigations against the “Black International” and his own began Captured in Paris, he was brought back to Italy and remained in prison for eleven years, waiting for the right opportunity, which promptly arose. In 2005 I benefited from another approval, he got out of prison from Campobasso to work Semi-freedom regime with a cooperative and returned the courtesy.

In his own way, with another massacre. The April 28, 2005 killed his wife and daughter Giovanni Maiorano, a repentant member of the Sacra Corona Unita whom he met in prison. The two women, Maria Carmela Linciano and the 14 year old Valentinawere tied up, suffocated and buried by Izzo in the yard of a house Mirabello Sanniticowhat that proves criminal attitude it hadn’t changed in the slightest. The criminal addition sparked a heated controversy among the Supervisory courts of Campobasso and Palermo, who shared the paternity of the decision and were welcomed by them Letizia Lopez (here is his video interview) with dismay and Fury: “What still needs to happen for the institutions of this country to decide?” defend ourselves Who’s killing us?”

What happened to you

We are nearing the end of this nightmarish journey. What are the executioners doing now? Andrea Ghira He lies and remains silent, assuming he is really buried in Morocco or, on the contrary, has not returned free and disguised, the new Adriano Meis. Gianni Guidoafter 14 years in prison without escaping and a trial stint in social services, at Caritas, since August 25, 2009 is back free, choose a very inconspicuous profile: he avoids photographers, doesn’t appear on social media, does that retired probably luxury in Rome, disguised. Who knows how many people have had it next to them at the bar counter or in front of a coffee without recognizing it.

Remain Angelo Izzo with his load of three dead women murdered on his back, which comes from the Velletri penitentiary (Rome), where he is serving two life sentences I want you to believe to be changed, to develop passion Write, even being able to “fall in love.” If anyone listens to him, Izzo will start again with his pseudo-revelations about the secrets of Italy or the Disappearance of 17-year-old Rossella Corazzin (Cadore, 1975) and does not regret the failure of the quick marriage (2010-2011) with the journalist Donatella daddy (“He told me about very serious facts for our republic, but I don’t want to become an accomplice”), which initially worried me the repetition of the baptismal name.

Donatella’s warning and the parallel to Giulia

September 1975 – November 2023: What has changed? It’s shocking to think that Filippo Turettathe murderer of Giulia CecchettinHe is the same 22 years old and has the same seemingly clean face as he did in 1975 Andrea Ghira, the director of the Circeo massacre. Ghira, Guido and Izzo loaded the bodies of Rosaria Lopez and Donatella Colasanti in the trunk of the Fiat 127Turetta lifted Giulia’s bloody body from the floor and stuck it inside tribe of their Fiat Grande Punto. In the hours when Italy The victim cries another murderer “Who seemed so nice?” and even “he slept, hugging the teddy bear,” heart and mind return to the survivor of Villa Maresca. Donatella Colasanti She died on December 30, 2005: breast cancer left her no time to attend the clinic second conviction to Izzo’s life sentence. “Let us fight for the truth,” were his last words. An authentic woman and stubborn, ironic, courageouswhat we have learned in the last few weeks love on television, in the role of the talented actress who brought her back to life half a century later, tragic icon of an emergency that is unfortunately still relevant. ([email protected])

November 28, 2023