James UrtisDoctor and protagonist of countless reality shows, tells beasts, airing prime time tomorrow night on Rai2. Starting with the many aesthetic surgeries that have completely changed his physiognomy: “Often, when I quickly flip through the old photos on my phone, I don’t recognize myself anymore“.
And when Fagnani asks if that isn’t strange, Urtis replies:
“Yeah, it’s weird, but you get used to anything in life. It doesn’t make me sick or unwell, I’m happy. If I’ve changed, it’s to be happier.”
Changes that seem popular with the public but not with apps:
“I tried Tinder once, but they thought I was fake and closed my profile,” laughs Urtis.
Regarding his net worth and the huge income Urtis makes from aesthetic medicine clinics, he reveals:
“I don’t know how much I earn, I live on gifts! My father manages everything. He gives me pocket money: two hundred euros a week“.
When asked by Fagnani if the father manages the money because he is incompetent, the surgeon replies:
“Besides, I still live at home with my parents. My father is old-fashioned, he wants to do everything himself, in short he takes everything.”
When Fagnani asks why she accepts all this, Urtis replies:
“My father is like that… He’s like Britney Spears’ dad!“.
About a chatted flirt with Fabricius Coronawhich began after meeting at the airport, Fagnani asks him if he is in love with Corona, and Urtis reveals:
“Sure I was in love, yes.”
When asked if the love was returned, Urtis replies:
“I would say yes”.
And the moderator insists: “So is it friendship or love?”, “A mongrel”, Urtis slips away. And then Fagnani: “But did you feel like you were in competition with Nina Moric or Belen?” Urtis replies:
“What was between me and Fabrizio was a different matter”.
Fagnani asks: “But there has never been a real, physical love affair, has there?” Urtis concludes the speech:
“Maybe there were times of intimacybut in short … our things (…) we still talk to each other every day”.
And again freewheeling at Berlusconi:
“I sympathize with Berlusconi and am a close friend of Fascina.”
When Fagnani asks for a professional assessment of the rider’s aesthetic appearance and tries to ask if it is her doctor, he embarrassedly says at first “I don’t know these things” and then begins to praise her:
“Berlusconi was and is a handsome man. Its beauty cannot be reduced to an aesthetic character, it is beautiful in 360 degrees”.
And Fagnani insists: “But would he have done his face and hair differently?” Urtis concludes: “No, they’re okay.” And on the invitation to the non-marriage with Fascina:
“I wasn’t invited. They must have invited close relatives.”
And when Fagnani asks: “But didn’t you even give him the present?” Urtis jokingly replies:
“No, because i am cheap“.