1687220297 Gian Maria Sainato vs Marco Mazzoli Im male and you

Gian Maria Sainato vs Marco Mazzoli: I’m male and you have to call me him

Marco Mazzoli and the other men remaining in the race, Andrea Lo Cicero and Luca Vetrone, joked and made a joke about the actor’s sexual orientation, which vented on Twitter.

Gian Maria Sainato vs Marco Mazzoli Im male and you

Gian Maria Sainato He vented on Twitter to attack Marco bouquets and the other finalists who remain in contention. In fact, in the first part of the show, Ilary Blasi, when he gave them a clue as to who had won the flash televoting among those eliminated in the last episode, said: “It’s a woman.” Marco Mazzoli and the others in the The remaining men, Andrea Lo Cicero and Luca Vetrone, joked about the actor’s sexual orientation: “So it’s Gian Maria!” The actor didn’t like it and published his outburst on Twitter.

Gian Maria Sainato’s tweet

Gian Maria Sainato released his tweet in real time compared to when the joke that saw him as the protagonist took place. A harsh outburst for the actor: “I’m a MALE and you have to call me HIM, damn it!”. Many followers have supported him.

Marco Mazzoli and Gian Maria Sainato, an eternal struggle

Marco Mazzoli and Gian Maria Sainato had very serious arguments during their trip together. The ‘105 Zoo’ star made it very clear: “I have no interest in speaking to a fake person like you who has been trying to wreak havoc in any way he can for the past two weeks. Do soap operas, you have the wrong job.” Victim shit**, wrong, I don’t accept that. I’m 51 years old, a kid like you needs to teach me how to be in the world? But fuck yourself. You like it (the camera, editor’s note) “. In the confessional, however, Marco Mazzoli explained – especially in relation to Sainato’s impatience with his jokes: “If you have a problem, come to me me and say, ‘Marco, do you mind not joking with me?'” Alright, please, I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. The fact that he always does the camera means he wants to do the show. I’m not going to let a four-thousander get me involved in this stupid little game lire model”.