Gianluca Vacchi on Sunday In tears for his daughter who

Gianluca Vacchi on Sunday In tears for his daughter who was born with a deformity

Gianluca VacchiGuest of Mara Venier a Sunday In she tearfully tells of the deformity her daughter Blu Jerusalema was born with. The entrepreneur and influencer presents the documentary about his life at the Mucho Más studio, which will be released on Amazon Prime Video on May 25th.

Vacchi on Domenica In with his partner Sharon Fonseca


Vacchi connects live with Sharon Fonseca, the 27-year-old partner who gave him his first daughter, Blu Jerusalema. “We met in Miami, the first attraction was of course physical: we had to shoot a video, I was totally blown away. She’s an extraordinary person who comes from an extraordinary family, and that’s why I want our daughter to grow up with her maternal grandparents” – she says – “Sharon taught me what love is: a mixture of chemistry, feeling, soul and Passion. He taught me to love life more and I will do everything so that his life is always happy ».

Sharon explains: “He’s funny, cheerful on social media, but when I actually met him I felt lucky. He beat me and won me over, he continues to do it every day. His best gift is being open to change, having the patience to open up and engage in dialogue, that’s a beautiful thing.

Gianluca Vacchi, his brother Bernardo, demands a maximum compensation of 200,000 euros: family dispute

Little Blu was born in December 2020 with a congenital malformation of the palate: cleft palate. Probably due to environmental and genetic causes. It affects the soft palate and/or the hard palate, causing the presence of a crack of varying sizes on the latter.

Vacchi then tells Mara Venier about his childhood and his relationship with his family. «Pain teaches you to cry for joy, it’s impossible not to be touched when I hear about my mother. But I do it with great pleasure, I’m sure he would be very proud of me and thanks to him, who could always say no to me, I grew up: he was very generous and consistent, “explains Vacchi to his parents – “My mother, on the other hand, was and still is a great role model, having endured terrible things in her life. In just over a year, she lost her mother, her husband, and had cancer that forced her to have a leg amputated. But she always responded with a smile, she is an extraordinary woman, even later she beat another cancer, now he will go for a walk in his electric car chasing the granddaughter he has been waiting for so many years ».