Gianni Agnelli’s granddaughter Virginia von Fürstenberg has died. He was 48 years old La Gazzetta dello Sport

Virginia Maria Clara von Furstenberg48 years old, nephew of Gianni AgnelliHe was found dead on the first floor of the Hotel Palace in Meran, in the province of Bolzano. It would have fallen from a higher floor.

Nephew of Gianni Agnelli

Virginia von FurstenbergGenoa-born artist and stylist, was the daughter of Elizabeth Guarnati And Sebastian Egon von Furstenberg. His grandparents were Prince Tassilo and Clara Agnelli, the Avvocato’s sister. On February 18, the woman’s father reported to the Marghera Carabinieri train station report her missinglike von Furstenberg She had left the house without notifying anyone. A few days later, on February 21, the family shared their concerns come back in At home.

Who was Virginia von Fustenberg?

Virginia von Fustenberg was born in Genoa on October 5, 1974 and was a direct descendant of a German noble family originally from the Baden-Württemberg region. He made his debut in 2011 fashion world with a fashion show at the Teatro Filodrammatici and presented a collection that was subsequently offered for sale in boutiques in Milan, Florence and Rome. Also in the same year, Virginia von Fustenberg also had made his theatrical debut with dismorphophobia, on the subject of anorexia from which he had suffered. However, in 2012, the woman had collaborated with Tommaso Trak on the creation of one The film revolves around the life of great-grandmother Virginia Bourbon del Monte. Then, in 2017, he created an art installation dedicated to his mother called There was a beautiful house.

marriages and children

Virginia von Fustenberg married the Baron in 1992 Alexandre Csillaghy de Pacsér, a Hungarian nobleman. From their union two children were born: Miklos Tassilo Csillaghi And Geneva Csillaghy. However, the two had divorced in 2002. After the end of the first marriage, the woman had given birth to a child Clara Bacco Dondi From the clockborn from the relationship with Giovanni Bacco Dondi Dall’Orologio. In 2004, however, von Fustenberg had married Paco Polenghi with whom he had two children: Otto Leone Maria Polenghi And Santiago Polenghi. Virginia von Fustenberg got married on October 28, 2017 Janusz Gawronski, came from a noble and old Polish family. The two divorced in 2020.

May 10, 2023