Gianni Mina undertaker a Toro shirt on the coffin

Gianni Minà undertaker: a Toro shirt on the coffin

A Torino FC representative delivered the garnet-red tribute. Caselli: “We had grenade support, he was a fan like me”

The funeral home of Gianni Minà, the journalist born in Turin in 1938, was inaugurated this morning at 10 am in the Protomoteca room in Campidoglio.of proven grenade faith, he died on Monday evening at the age of 84 in Rome at the Villa del Rosario clinic after a short heart illness. The mayor of the capital, Roberto Gualtieri, was the first to pay his respects and warmly greeted his wife Loredana Macchietti and their daughters. The funeral home will remain open until 7pm today while the funeral will be private at the family’s request. A Toro shirt dedicated to Gianni Minà and an olive branch were placed on the journalist’s coffin. The grenade jersey is a gesture that Minà would certainly have liked, the gesture was made by a Torino FC representative. At the funeral home set up in Campidoglio, a few flowers, including a wreath from the Italy-Cuba National Association. “Many things connected us but the most important, though it may seem the most frivolous, was the collective support for a glorious grenade team. He was a mourner like me,” said Gian Carlo Caselli, who was present at the funeral home.

March 29, 2023 (change March 29, 2023 | 18:11)