Gigi DAgostino turns 55 surprise party for fans in his

Gigi D’Agostino turns 55, surprise party for fans in his neighborhood Copy Copy

Gigi D’Agostino, the king of dance who has been battling an illness for some time, is 55 years old. The fans wanted him to express their affection with a flash mob in the courtyard of an apartment building in Mirafiori, in Turin, where the captain was born and raised. An open-air party in the snow that could only start with “L’amour toujours”. Several city radio stations are also broadcasting the Turin artist’s most famous hit simultaneously at 5 p.m. On November 24, D’Agostino posted a photo of him smiling on his social profiles, a message reassuring his admirers about his state of health

Video by Tino Romano – Ansa for Repubblica