Photo Ginette Reno poses with her daughter on a red

Ginette Reno Replies to Nathalie Petrovsky –

Ginette Reno listened to the most recent excerpt from The Day (It’s Still Young) on ​​Thursday April 13, which aired on ICI Première and then went viral on social media, in which journalist Nathalie Petrowski – and hart – on her autobiography Ginette, which was published at earlier this month.

The ex-La Presse columnist and It’s just TV contributor did not use dead hands when describing the book, which was written in collaboration with songwriter Lambert, including, ironically, in a very devout tone towards the writings of Ginette Reno and the fact that the collection is only available in Jean Coutu pharmacies.

“This story seems to have been written accidentally, with a rather risky pen (…) that follows no editorial line, no chronology. We jump from rooster to donkey (…) It is a collection of disparate memories, anecdotes, poems, prayers, lyrics of pocket songs and pocket monologues alike,” lamented Nathalie Petrowski, while host Jean-Philippe Wauthier and his entourage giggled loudly.

In an interview with on Wednesday, Ginette Reno got a little carried away when asked about the criticism of her book. The lady, who will celebrate her 77th birthday next week, on April 28, was immediately targeted by Nathalie Petrovsky, who visibly offended her.

“There are people like Nathalie Petrovsky who laughed,” Ginette Reno began. “They laughed at me. They all talked to each other. I didn’t understand them and found them disrespectful. They lacked a lot of respect, also among themselves, not listening to each other…”

“They didn’t even listen to what the other said. They laughed like crazy! Hahahahahaha! ‘ the great singer added, parodying the cacophonous laughter of The Day (It’s Still Young).

“I didn’t understand what they said. They even made fun of my Stein-Leventhal Syndrome! It’s not funny! They even make fun of my disabilities, illnesses and other things that I had. They have no right to do that! »


“But those are criticisms, too,” Ms. Reno continued. “It’s worth what it’s worth. If you want to criticize me… That’s fine. But they don’t even respect each other. They didn’t even listen to each other. Hahahahahahahaha! (She’s still mimicking the sardonic laughter heard on the show, ed.). And they think it’s funny! But I don’t know what they find funny…”

Even at 60 and with a bit of craftsmanship, Ginette Reno insists that she has neither the right nor the desire to agree.

“Of course I can’t please everyone. I really can’t please everyone, it’s impossible! I don’t love everyone, so not everyone loves me. We have the right! »

And how does she respond to comments that disapprove of the fact that certain parts of her life were skipped or rushed through in the book (like her relationship with René Angélil), or explain the fact that the 320 pages of Ginette’s photos aren’t included? Ginette Reno is getting a little impatient again.

“They made books about me, lots of photos. How many photos would you like? Even if you look at how I looked… I was disgusted! A photo from 1987. A photo at 302 (lbs, Ed). A photo at 119. What is it? It should have held all the weights I weighed. I didn’t think it was healthy. »


“Today I look in my archive and I can’t remember. I don’t remember where I was or what I sang… but I remember my weight! How many photos can I take of my weight? So I figured I wouldn’t post pictures. If they want to see who I was and how fat I was, everyone knows that. Everyone knows I have a weight problem. »

“It’s not what looks that matter, it’s what’s inside,” added Ginette Reno, explaining her approach to this autobiography in a very personal tone, more spiritual than crisp. “We are talking about two different cases. When I talk about my father, who blessed me only once in his life before he died, it’s touching, it’s beautiful! »

In short, Ginette Reno wants to convey hope with this heart project. And so much the worse for what will be said.

“I got out of there even if I come from far away,” she decreed wisely.

During a superb television interview with Paul Arcand on TVA last Sunday, Ginette Reno, who is recovering from serious health problems, specifically addressed her eating disorders, which have bothered her greatly.