Ginette Reno takes on a new major project – TVA

Ginette Reno takes on a new major project – TVA Nouvelles

Ginette Reno’s passion for her job is unbroken and she plans to start a big project in the coming years.

• Also read: Ginette Reno suffers and rests

“I never stopped, I don’t know, a retirement,” she admits.

Last spring, the 77-year-old singer released her 47th studio album, It’s All Me, as well as Ginette, an autobiographical book. This book is already very successful, has been voted a bestseller and has sold more than 60,000 copies.

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With the proceeds from the sales, Ginette Reno wants to realize a dream: to open Ginette Reno’s house.

“I want to open Ginette Reno’s house. It would be called: The School of the Way […] I would also like to give master classes, but I would like it to be used for multi-addictions as well. I had a substance in my life, namely food. It was about taking everything away from me but not my food, so I want to be able to help get involved so people understand a little bit more about what a substance does in their lives,” she explains.

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A major project that could see the light of day in the coming years. But Ginette Reno is currently concentrating on her health. Last December she underwent serious heart surgery and now also suffers from severe osteoarthritis.

“I want to find ways to walk without a cane and be able to stand longer. […] I just want to get healthy so I can do what I love to do in the world in my remaining years.

Ginette Reno intends to return to the stage. She wants to sing to the end of her life, even if it means expressing her last note on stage.

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“I always thought I would discard my B and then fall. I tell myself there’s no better way to die,” she concludes.

Ginette Reno continues her promotional tour of Quebec. She will be at Jean Coutu in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré for an autograph session on Wednesday morning.