1664833823 Ginevra Lamborghini disqualified from GFVip You legitimized bullying there are

Ginevra Lamborghini disqualified from GFVip: “You legitimized bullying, there are people who kill themselves”

Big Brother VIP 2022/2023

Ginevra is eliminated from the GFVip for speaking about the Marco Bellavia case. Signorini “Sorry is not enough. Bullying is horrible stuff, it’s never legitimized”. Lamborghini returns to the house crying: “I suck”.

Ginevra Lamborghini disqualified from GFVip You legitimized bullying there are

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Big Brother VIP 2022/2023

Ginevra Lamborghini was disqualified after the fall Marco Bellavia to the GFVip. After cornering Giovanni Ciacci As an entire studio whistled and asked for his disqualification, Alfonso Signorini moved on Geneva Lamborghini. The competitor came under public scrutiny for what many judged to be very difficult words, which defined Marco’s behavior as bullyable and made a very serious error of judgment.

The measure against Ginevra Lamborghini

The conductor’s words immediately made us suspect that Big Brother Vip had decided to take serious action against the competitor considered one of the strongest of this edition. However, nothing can excuse the superficiality with which he took the topic of bullying completely out of context. “They’re among those who spotted the mistake right away, but there are times when apologizing is not enough‘ said Signorini.

I say this with regret because you are one of the strong competitors of this edition, but you said something of unprecedented sincerity. You said a very difficult sentence. You legitimized bullying and I don’t care if you referred to groping. Bullying is disgusting stuff, it’s never legitimized. You may have cried your tears yourself as a teenager.

Geneva’s reaction to the disqualification

Called to the confessional, Ginevra welcomed Big Brother Vip’s decision to eliminate her from the game. The competitor wanted to specify that she had heard about it concerned about the behavior of Marco Bellavia in his greetings. Here are his words just before Signorini shared the destiny with her.

“Bullying to Marco Bellavia, you suck”: Woman screams in front of the GF VIP house and ends up in the barracks

I regret it and take back all the words. When I said those words that I am ashamed of, it was because Marco had an abusive attitude towards me. It invaded my private physical space and upset me. We’re not talking about buttons, but there was no consensus. Unfortunately I didn’t tell him that. He offended me, he touched on the most sensitive subject for me, the apologies didn’t come from him. It touched me in ways I don’t appreciate but understand now. Now I sewed the parts together.

Immediately following the words of Alfonso Signorini, who communicated to her the choice of production after considering his words seriously and out of context:

Unfortunately, you have associated this type of reaction with too lively a social plague. There are people who commit suicide, who lose their minds, who are persecuted, who think they are executioners and not victims. In view of this, apologies are unfortunately not enough. For all the reasons we’ve talked about, Big Brother lets you know that you’re officially banned from the game, and I say this with a death in my heart, but knowing that this is the right decision.

Geneva finally returned to the house crying and realizing that she had to leave the house: “i suck“.