1701304718 Giulia Cecchettin Bombshell from Who Saw It When the Searches

Giulia Cecchettin, Bombshell from Who Saw It: When the Searches Began

Giulia Cecchettin Bombshell from Who Saw It When the Searches

Giulia Cecchettin Could she have been saved? The question becomes the focus of the investigations of Who has seen it?, the program by Federica Sciarelli on Rai 3, broadcast on Wednesday November 29th. “When was the call from the good citizen reported at 11:18 p.m. telling the police that a girl had been attacked and forcibly taken away in a car?” asks the moderator. “When was there a connection to the disappearance of the two young people?” he continues, announcing that I Carabinieri From Vigonovo They responded to the question with an “important and exhaustive note.” The mosaic pieces of that tragic night are gradually coming together.

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First, the problem of the failure of a patrol to intervene in the parking lot is addressed Filippo Turetta, who admitted to killing his ex-girlfriend and is now in prison in Verona, attacked the 22-year-old student, who would have graduated after a few days. “The press release says they arrive at the station at the same time as the witness’s call two more requests for interventionone about a fight in a bar and one about an altercation after an accident – ​​says a report – So in total three calls are received and action is taken about the fight and the altercation, but not about the attack on Giulia Who lasts from 11:18 p.m., the time of the witness’s call, to 11:50 p.m., the time at which the Punto “di Turetta” leaves the city center through the north gate. Could Giulia have been saved in those 32 minutes?“ is the question to which unfortunately there is no answer.

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Then the question arises Complaint her father Gino went to the police again about the young girl’s disappearance. It was recorded at 1:30 p.m. the following day, Sunday, but was classified as a “voluntary deportation” because there was no life-threatening situation for Giulia. And this despite the fact that the father had told in the complaint about the simultaneous disappearance of Filippo and the difficult relationship between the two, with the obsessive jealousy of the young man who could not understand the end of the relationship. And above all, without the report from the previous evening having any connection to Cecchettin’s disappearance.

In the message to the broadcast, the Carabinieri explain that “the connection between the two events arose after the father of the young woman, who went to the Carabinieri station in Vigonovo on November 12th at 1.30 p.m. to report the disappearance of his daughter report, published a social post.” to ask for help in the investigation and was then contacted by a citizen of Vigonovo who lived not far from Giulia’s house and told him that he had been there Witnessing an argument between two people the evening before and that he had called 112. In short, it’s the boy who witnessed the robbery and saw the car drive away without getting the license plate Connect the two facts and to contact Gino Cecchettin. At that point, police continue, Giulia’s father “reported the circumstance to the police, who were able to trace the call from the previous evening and link it to the disappearance, and formally sought the citizen’s statement.”

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At this point, “everything Activities implemented from the Carabinieri, moreover, immediately, as a result of the overall content of the complaint, agree with an episode of Disappearance endangering the safety of the person (Request to locate the telephone number of the young woman and her ex-boyfriend, contacts with hospitals in the area, research note entered into the Italian and European databases, inquiries to the local police forces in the area and to the Autostrade Company for vehicle transport, immediate dispatch of reinforcements for the searches)”. In short, despite the phrase “voluntary deportation,” the military acted like an enforced disappearance for reasons that had nothing to do with the girl’s will. The police also explain that on Sunday evening, following the connection between the boy’s complaint and the father’s complaint, a check was carried out in the parking lot where the attack took place.