Giulia Salemi debuts on R101 Pierpaolo Pretelli surprises her she

Giulia Salemi debuts on R101: Pierpaolo Pretelli surprises her, she is moved live (video)

New work experience for Julia Salemi who ended up in the Radio R101 family in the last few days.

If, on the one hand, the Big Brother Vip speaks for you in these days and in these very last hours very bad consequences concerning Marco Bellavia, over the years there have been much nicer sites. Great lasting friendships, great loves that blossomed within the home and continue to this day. Among these there is undoubtedly the love story between Julia Salemi and Pierpaolo Pretelli.

The two boys met at Gf Vip 5’s house and their love blossomed under the prying eyes of the cameras. Everyone and everything tried to put their relationship to the hardest test, but nothing and no one succeeded. In fact, once the experience on Italy’s most-watched reality show was over, the two immediately thought of going camera-free and building a life together.

In fact, their relationship is still going strong to this day and even their professional career seems to have taken off. The two engaged couples are currently active protagonists in the current issue of Big Brother Vip. Pierpaolo leads, along with Soleil StasiGf vip party while Julia Next Alfonso Men’s in the studio and takes care of the social aspect of the program.

But that’s not all. The former Gieffina actually ended up in the Radio R101 family a few days ago and on her very first day on the radio she got a big surprise. The theme of the day was “The song that puts you in a good mood” and the first message was exactly that of Pierpaolo. Here’s what he said:

hello darling i am pier. This time I dedicate to you the song that puts you in a good mood and can only be “The New Broadway Star”. I’m also happy to ask you. I wish you the best of luck for this new experience, welcome to the R101 family. Kiss.

Juliadeeply moved and completely surprised, he said:

But I can’t cry live. I am no longer a competitor to Big Brother Vip.

Definitely a tender and soulful moment which you can see posted HERE.