The former Men and Women lady blurts out on social media: “If a person makes a mistake before they start..”
The interview was just two days ago Ivan Di Stefano ex-face of the parterre of the raid of men and womenin which he announced the beginning of a relationship with the portal Tvpertutti Glory Nicolettialso a former lady of the dating show and former visit of Richard Guarnieri.
The latter announced the end of the relationship on social media Ivan:
“Thank you for your kindness but I was very disappointed. Unfortunately I’m not lucky in love… you know what I mean if someone makes a mistake before they start it’s already over for me!! For the moment I do I don’t.” I don’t want to add anything more…better to know bad truths now than later, thank you all, love you”
“I emailed a former lady of the parterre via Instagram a few days before the last recording of U&D. Being a correct man and having respect for the program, for Maria as well as for the editors, I preferred tell the truth and such. The editors were very pleased with my sincerity and loyalty. I guess it’s not for everyone to leave the show to meet a woman you’ve only seen on TV and haven’t spoken to for a second as a person! It’s about Gloria, though, and since she confided in me that she too was impressed with me, we decided to get to know each other and hang out. , he defined Ivan to Tvpertutti. Apparently, a story that started between the former knight and Gloria ended even before he could be born.
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