1701174930 Glyphosate and company Liegefeld Leftists in the EU Parliament are

Glyphosate and company. Liegefeld: “Leftists in the EU Parliament are threatening viticulture” BVZ.at

Around two thirds of the wine-growing area around Lake Neusiedl is also defined as the Natura2000 area. Particularly strict nature conservation rules apply there – another rule warms the spirits of local winegrowers.

The hot topic is the total ban on spraying agents in the Natura2000 area, from the highly controversial glyphosate to the also frequently discussed copper in organic viticulture and the more environmentally friendly organic products. “General bans, especially in so-called sensitive areas, would have threatened the existence of a large number of wine companies”, warns wine president Andreas Liegenfeld.

Winemaker President Andreas Liegenfeld

Photo: BVZ, Peter Wagentristl

Red-white-red winegrowers are trying to reduce pesticides – “also for cost reasons”. In any case, substances such as glyphosate are only used in exceptional cases and viticulture has a pioneering role in sustainability with the “Sustainable Austria” certification program.

“Green Deal” yes, but not like this

Burgenland winegrowers support the EU’s “Green Deal”. “However, the legal framework that accompanies this must be implementable without threatening the existence of companies”, stated the president of oenology.

If the motion had received such a majority in the EU Parliament, it would be “the end of viticulture in this area”, according to his drastic assessment.

Apparently there is still room for a bit of party politics: Liegenfeld said “on behalf of the Burgenland wine industry, a big thank you to MPs Alexander Bernhuber and Christian Sagartz, as they and the European People’s Party made a significant contribution to ensuring that the motion did not found the majority.”