GND should admit that he was wrong replies Gilles

GND should “admit that he was wrong”, replies Gilles Proulx

Columnist Gilles Proulx persists and signs his fight against Québec solidaire. In a column signed on Thursday, he urges Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois to “admit he was wrong” by accusing him of inciting violence. The chosen one replies that he has nothing to be ashamed of.

In the limelight, as solidarity demanded an apology for calling them “bastards” and “gangrene” in a radio column, Mr Proulx had not yet commented on this saga, except in a short tweet published on March 23 In his column published on Thursday morning he takes it head on.

Quebec solidaire believes that Gilles Proulx, in his March 21 column on Radio QUB, called for violence when he ended by saying that “the English are really right when they say that we should finish them off once and for all, these thick”. a long diatribe about Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

According to the columnist, the Left Party attacks him “under false premises”.

“During a flight on QUB radio, where I wryly exclaimed that the people of Quebec deserve to be ‘done’ for their historical inertia and showing off, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois thought he heard me appealing to violence. No…” he defended himself in his column of the day. “Had the QA chief taken the trouble to listen to the excerpt, as elemental rigor demands, this storm would not have come. So I ask him to make amends and admit that he was wrong from the start. »

“Bad Explanation”

If Mr Proulx “has the right to defend himself”, his explanation is “shaky” at best, replied Mr Nadeau-Dubois when questioned on the issue on Thursday morning. “He has the right to justify himself. In a democratic society that is absolutely correct. After that, even if we go by his explanation for that phrase, does that justify saying that the Liberal Party should be “destroyed”? he asked.

Indeed, in an excerpt broadcast on QUB radio in September, Mr Proulx had made the following remarks about the Liberals: “They are bastards, bastards of demagogues, stinkers. To knock down, to knock down. [Pour] For me the Liberal Party is a party of basements or thieves. »

“These are comments that are unacceptable,” argued Mr Nadeau-Dubois on Thursday. “Qub Radio shouldn’t have accepted them. We’re still awaiting an apology from Mr. Proulx, Mr. [Richard] Martineau, who had these remarks made at his microphone without correcting his columnist, and from QUB radio. »

While leaving Gilles Proulx with his version of the facts, Gouin’s deputy pointed out that “almost the entire Quebec political class understood what we did when they heard these remarks”.

On Tuesday, both the Coalition avenir Québec and the Liberal Party backed a motion that “denounced the comments made on QUB radio in early March about the members of the second opposition group, specifically calling them ‘bastards’ and ‘crap ‘denoted’. The Parti Québécois opposed it, arguing that they did not want the National Assembly to become a “court”.

“Less Glorious Things”

In his Thursday column, Gilles Proulx agrees that “It’s true that he [lui] sometimes use harsh language to describe politicians and their parties”. “After more than six decades in the media I have done good things and I also acknowledge that I have done less glorious things,” he wrote. His right to be free He continues to express his opinion.

Last week, Québec solidaire announced its intention to boycott QUB radio while awaiting apologies and recantations from the columnist and his media. Since then, and despite repeated warnings, the media work of Quebecor, QUB Radio’s parent company, has shown no sign of life. Also at QUB Radio nobody bothered to answer our questions.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois was contacted by the Sûreté du Québec this week to find out if he wanted to file a complaint against Mr Proulx and decided not to do so. “The goal of QS is not to take anyone to court. It’s meant to send a message that we shouldn’t be doing that in Quebec,” he said Tuesday.

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