Go in Faith Clara tries to testify against Theo but

Go in Faith: Clara tries to testify against Theo but is fired

Clara (Regiane Alves) is being blackmailed by Theo (Emilio Dantas) to cover household expenses and shows up to testify at her exhusband’s trial. But her idea is not to speak for him, but against him and show the abusive husband he always was. But in chapter (12) of this Wednesday, Clara’s intention will not succeed.

1 of 3 Clara cannot testify against Theo in Vai na Fé — Photo: Globo Clara cannot testify against Theo in Vai na Fé — Photo: Globo

Clever, Theo’s lawyer, Ricardo (Heitor Martinez) will realize Clara’s true intentions and ask the judge to release her as a witness. Clara will of course be outraged and rebel in court.

“You’re afraid of what I have to say! I just want to tell the truth!” she yells.

“Your Excellency, I apologize for the pathetic scene. “Only today did the defense learn that this lady wanted to use her hearing to gain advantages in the divorce and separation process,” says the lawyer cynically.

The judge then tells Clara to leave the room:

“He’s arriving! Pull yourself together, otherwise I’ll have to ask the officer to escort you out of the room.”

2 of 3 Clara is forced to withdraw from Theo’s trial in Vai na Fé Photo: Globo Clara is forced to withdraw from Theo’s trial in Vai na Fé Photo: Globo

Clara will leave, but not before venting her anger on Theo.

“It’s not required. I’ll go, but the truth will come out, Theo. You won’t be able to run from her your whole life.”

Afterwards, outside of the courtroom, Clara meets the telltale Erika (Leticia Salles) and gives her what she wants:

“Put it this way: Theo Bastos is a small, manipulative, violent man and he can be an abuser! I believe in what these women are denouncing!”

3 of 3 Clara faces Theo when she arrives at court and the attorney remarks in Vai na Fé Photo: Globo Clara faces Theo when she arrives at court and the attorney remarks in Vai na Fé Photo: Globo globe

Even at home, Clara will feel defeated and sad. Will Theo really get the upper hand? Don’t miss the next chapters of your 7 o’clock soap opera!

Understand the plot of Theo’s trial in 1 minute