Goat screams plastic dog tree squirrel remember bizarre stories of

Goat screams, plastic dog, tree squirrel: remember bizarre stories of accidentally calling the police G1

Croissant on a tree, goat screaming: the police were mistakenly called for four floors

The police were called, but when they arrived at the scene, they found that no one was in danger. It was a false alarm from a single goat (see video above).

This latest case is not an isolated one. O g1 Unusual situations have already been registered in which the police and other authorities have been called to resolve them. However, the cases were nothing more than a misunderstanding. Recall some of them below:

🥐 Help, a croissant

Authorities 1 in 2 received a call investigating a complaint in Kraków that residents were not opening windows for fear of the ‘insect’ Photo: Reproduction/Facebook Authorities received a call investigating a complaint in Kraków that residents feared the the “insect” did not open the windows of the “bug” Photo: Playback/Facebook

In the report, she said no one could tell for sure if it was a bird or a reptile. The neighborhood closed the windows to keep the “beast” away.

Upon arriving at the scene, experts determined the alleged “animal” was a croissant that was likely thrown out a window to feed the birds. The organization understood the “confusion” caused by the woman calling them for help. Read the full report.

🐶 It felt so real….

In 2019, police in Baependi, inland Minas Gerais, received a report of the mistreatment of a dog. According to the indictment, the animal was trapped on a chain in the sun and had no food or water for days.

2 of 2 Couple used dog to deter local criminals Photo: Environmental Military Police Couple used dog to deter local criminals Photo: Environmental Military Police

But when police got to the house, they found the “battered dog” was nothing more than a statue used by the farm’s owners to ward off thieves. Learn more here.

🐍 Look at the snake… it’s a lie!

Also in Minas Gerais, Bom Despacho firefighters received a call from a man warning of a strange animal behind the refrigerator in a lowlight home under construction. The resident thought he saw a snake.

Man mistakes refrigerator part for snake in Bom Despacho.