Gold rush for dollar bills at the garbage dump in

Gold rush for dollar bills at the garbage dump in Argentina

$100 bills flying through a garbage dump in Argentina sparked a small gold rush. “A friend got out of his truck and saw a perfectly clean $100 bill on the floor,” Federico Baez, who was one of the first to collect the bills at the Las Parejas landfill, told AFP. Together with five friends, he collected as many beads as possible.

“It was like a game of whoever finds the most,” Baez said. The six of us collected $10,000.” A young man even found $25,000 in the dump the next day. box Authorities banned access to the dump.

Argentina suffers from chronic inflation. Many Argentines do not take their savings to the bank, but keep them at home in dollars. After the incident became known, several memes were published – including those from President Alberto Fernández and Vice President Cristina Kirchner, who seek green accounts in the trash to boost the country’s economy.