Golden State Warriors Draymond Green gets away with a lot

Golden State Warriors’ Draymond Green gets away with a lot in a bizarre altercation with Nuggets’ Aaron Gordon

The pair didn’t even tussle for a minute in Game 4 of the first round of the Western Conference playoffs on Sunday afternoon, and in the first quarter of Game 5 on Wednesday night, the two picked it up.

Unlike the altercation in Game 4, which resulted in technical fouls for both players, only Gordon was penalized the game 5 tiff, ostensibly to drop the ball on green. The Warriors star was down after Gordon committed an offensive foul by over-bending Green.

After the ball was dropped on the green, the former NBA Defensive Player of the Year did several things in retaliation that somehow didn’t earn him a technical foul of his own. On the ground, Green attempted to grab one of Gordon’s legs before being stopped by an officer. Then, as the teams went to the other side of the field for Stephen Curry’s technical free throw (which he missed again!), Green pursued Gordon and gently crashed into him from behind, again requiring an official to separate the two.

Also, when Curry shot his free throw, Green was appeared Gordon repeatedly saying a particularly rude name at a loud volume.

Other players in the NBA, including Green himself, have been called out for far fewer technical fouls. Either Draymond has been extremely lucky, or he’s finally mastered the art of identifying the line he cannot cross and getting as close to it as possible.

Occam’s razor indicates it’s probably the former.