Good morning and happy November 1st 2023 the most beautiful

Good morning and happy November 1st, 2023: the most beautiful PICTURES for good morning, proverbs and curiosities. November 2023 has begun tendency division

October 2023 is archived and November has begun: above are the images to wish “good morning” and a “good start to the month of November”, below are many curiosities about the month that has just begun.

Where does the name “November” come from?

Until 46 BC The Roman calendar was in use in ancient Rome, dividing the year into twelve months, but with a different number of days. The difference to the current calendar is that the year began on March 1st, two months later than today, and November was therefore the ninth month of the year. Therefore the name. September was the seventh month of the year, October the eighth and December the tenth.

Originally the month of July was called Quintilis (fifth month) and August Sextilis (sixth month). The promulgation of Julius Caesar and 46 BC. Calendar reform introduced in 500 BC introduced the name “July” in his honor, and August instead derives his name from Octavian Augustus.

The calendar used today in Western countries is the Gregorian calendar, introduced in 1582.

Good morning and happy November! Autumn comes to life: here are proverbs and curiosities

Among the most famous autumn festivals we remember: Grandparents’ Day and the Commemoration of the Guardian Angels (both fall on October 2nd); Oktoberfest (beer festival); Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day (from October 31st to November 2nd); Bonfire Night (November 5th) to commemorate the Gunpowder Conspiracy, the famous Summer of San Martino (November 11th); on Thanksgiving Day, the Immaculate Conception.

“The summer of San Martino lasts three days and a bit,” says a popular saying with a religious but also secular background, widespread in many areas of Italy. By St. Martin’s summer we mean a possible autumn period in which fair weather conditions and relative warmth often occur after the first cold weather.

The name apparently has its origins in the tradition of the cloak, according to which Martin of Tours, seeing a half-naked beggar suffering from the cold during a downpour, gave him half of the cloak and the other part to another beggar he met briefly on it. The sun immediately rose in the sky and the temperature became milder.

Almost every year St. Martin’s Day is a beautiful sunny day, but this is more due to weather reasons than popular belief. Many experts agree that the special phase of stable weather has almost always existed: analyzes of the Baric maps of the last thirty years have shown that during this period the spread of the anticyclone from Spain towards the entire Mediterranean appears to occur cyclically and bring conditions of high pressure, high temperatures and good weather, protecting most of Central and Western Europe from disruption.

Saint Martin of Tours, commemorated on November 11th, is the protector of hoteliers, knights, majolica makers, infantrymen, foreigners, beggars, soldiers, geese, innkeepers, tailors, disaster victims, grape harvesters and winemakers.

Many proverbs are dedicated to him. In Italy, in Abruzzo, they say: “Ce sta lu Sante Martino” when there is no shortage of supplies in a house; in Romagna: “For Sa Marten vi s’imbariega grend e znèn” (Adults and children get drunk for San Martino). “The spoils are picked up for San Martino”; “For San Martino the leaves are falling and the wine is being tapped”; “For San Martino, every must-have becomes a wine.”

Proverbs related to the weather include: “When the sun goes out on St. Martin’s Day, sell the bread and keep the cow.” When the sun sets clearly, sell the cow because there is little hay.” Which translates to: “If At sunset on November 11th clouds cover the sun, you can hope for a good hay and wheat harvest, and that will be the case.” Be it bread for sale and a fat cow, but if it sets with a beautiful, clear sky, There will not be enough hay for the animals and it would be better to sell it.” Anyone who sows after this date, it was said, will have a bad harvest: “For St. Martin, the poor man’s seed.” Whoever sows a fruitful one If someone wanted to harvest a harvest, they also had to hurry up with pruning and preparing the ground around the vine. In fact, a well-known saying goes: “If you want to make good wine, chop and prune on the days of San Martino.”

This is also the ideal time for other crops, for example broad beans and flax, at least in the warmer areas, such as Sicily, where it is said: “In San Martinu, Favi and Linu.”

In Italy, until the last century, on November 11, the activities of courts and schools began, elections were held and, in some areas, agricultural and lease contracts expired. Even today in many areas people still say “far San Martino” when moving and clearing out.

Finally, a few scientific and historical curiosities:

  • Einstein’s discovery: On November 25, 1915, Albert Einstein presented his general theory of relativity to Einstein’s field equations at the Prussian Academy of Sciences, thereby revolutionizing our understanding of gravity.
  • Berlin Wall: On November 8, 1989, the opening of the Berlin Wall marked a major turning point in history and paved the way for the reunification of Germany;
  • October Revolution: On November 7th according to the Julian calendar (October 25th according to the Gregorian calendar), the October Revolution began in Russia in 1917, which resulted in the Bolsheviks coming to power and the founding of the Soviet Union;
  • Armistice in the First World War: On November 11, 1918, the Armistice of Compiègne was signed, ending the First World War.
  • Veterans Day: In many countries, November 11th is observed as Veterans Day or Remembrance Day to honor military veterans and remember those who lost their lives in war.

With today’s good morning it is official: a new month begins with many good intentions, and for this reason it is right to share this new beginning with the people around you.

As? With the most beautiful good morning and welcome November images. A roundup of photos, images, glitter and news to start this day and ring in this new month in the best possible way. But today the good morning could come later, considering that today is a day of celebration and many have decided to celebrate Halloween this evening. In fact, it’s a weekday, but it has the feel of a weekend. You can also find the original images from “Good Morning on Wednesday” here. A simple gesture with a simple click that brightens the day of those who receive it and wishes them a good day but also a good start to the month.

This good morning is truly special and ready to be enjoyed to the fullest. So why not send some beautiful Happy November images to the people you love? The message is strong and clear, but the ability to send it for free with a simple click makes the gesture even more valuable! The choice is yours to make this November good morning special for your loved ones!

Today it is also right to wish Happy Wednesday with a selection of ad hoc images to start the day and the new month right. Choose your favorite Happy Wednesday image and share it with your friends immediately.

The best phrases to dedicate:

  • Good Wednesday! A new month begins on a festive day. This is life!
  • I’m ready to face this November!
  • A new month has begun. And what a month! Welcome November!
  • Are you telling me that Christmas is coming in a month????
  • November, what are you getting me this year?!
  • Ready for that double good morning?! Happy Wednesday and happy November!
  • Good morning! A cup of coffee full of love, hope and smiles for you today! Good Wednesday!
  • I’ve always loved November!
  • I wanted to share this beautiful November with you and hope it brings you lots of joy!
  • It’s Wednesday and the alarm hasn’t gone off, it’s definitely a holiday. This is a good Wednesday!