A VOIR A promising trailer for Ru the film adaptation

Good start for the film “Ru” at the box office

The film adaptation of Ruthe best-selling novel by Kim Thúy, had an excellent launch in cinemas across the province last weekend.

• Also read: Review of the film “Ru”: an adaptation that meets expectations

The film, directed by Charles-Olivier Michaud and written by Jacques Davidts and shown on more than 70 screens across Quebec, collected more than $250,000 in its first three days in theaters, distributor Immina Films announced Monday.

This is the second-best opening for a Quebec film in 2023, behind Testament, which hit theaters last October.

“It’s a huge dose of love that moviegoers from all over Quebec showed Ru in its first weekend in theaters,” said Immina Films president Patrick Roy in a press release.

“This great story, inspired by Kim Thúy’s book, touched not only the hearts of the public but also critics with its sensitivity and humanity. It fills the entire team with great pride that people come in large numbers to discover this work in the cinema.”

Patrick Roy also emphasizes in the press release that the initial successes of “Ru” at the box office are comparable to those of the comedy “23. December” on the same day last year, which had great success in cinemas during the holidays.

“It’s a great story that resembles us and brings us together, and we hope Ru will be a success this holiday season!” drives the distributor.

Based on Kim Thúy’s autobiographical novel of the same name, Ru tells the story of Tinh (Chloé Djandji), a young Vietnamese woman who comes to Quebec in the late 1970s after fleeing persecution in her country. The film also stars Jean Bui, Chantal Thuy, Patrice Robitaille and Karine Vanasse.