If news of the cancellation of a series or show shouldn’t bring joy — it usually implies someone doesn’t know how they’re going to pay the rent for the following month — then a channel’s disappearance should be even less, but in farewell from Canal Toros I allow myself enthusiasm. A channel dedicated to a cruel and bloody spectacle was an anomaly on a platform that emerged from the epitome of modernity, namely the Canal+ by Las noticias del puppet, Lo+Plus, the magazine of the essential Jaume Figueras, The day after or Angela Chase falls in love at the Jordan Catalan Open. The Bulls were unusual in this avant garde channel and they are in today’s mainstream Movistar.
I doubt they’ll get rid of the most amoral of their content after three decades due to a sudden outburst of respect for animal rights, it’s not even a fashionable topic, the hoax claiming you can go to school generates more media expectation. prison for killing a rat than reality: the unwanted man who kicked a tiny and harmless dog a few days ago in Jerez surely he will receive no more punishment than a ridiculous fine.
The argument that Canal Toros removed from the Movistar Plus+ grid is the same one coined by strategist James Carville to get Bill Clinton into the presidency: “The economy, fool.” Although many of us raise ethical criteria to call for bullfighting to be banned, we know that the end of bullfighting will be the end of subsidies. Fortunately, cruelty to animals disguised as tradition is a spectacle with fewer and fewer spectators. When a platform stops being profitable, it means its end is near, and don’t give me permission to be enthusiastic.
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