1684070544 Goodbye to constant rain and cold the beginning of summer

Goodbye to constant rain and cold: the beginning of summer is on the way

Goodbye to constant rain and cold the beginning of summer

© Marlon Böhland – Fotolia/Marlon Böhland/Fotolia

The temperature should pass 25 degrees this weekend. In the middle of the week, however, snow still falls up to 1,000 meters.

“May the rain bring blessings” – if you believe this old farmer’s saying, a good harvest is expected for local agriculture this year. because like him Aprilwhich went down in history as the cloudiest in over 50 years, May so far has also been very wet and also very cold.

This should also be reflected in the second half of may nothing changes: in the coming days casualties from Italy to Poland will guarantee lots of rain and significantly cooler weatheras predicted by the Ubimet meteorological service on Sunday.

The sun appears from time to time

like the last of ice saints becomes the “wet Sophie” her name at the beginning of on Monday do all the credit. From Vorarlberg to Upper Austria there will be some showers, especially in the mountains and hills, you have to be prepared for them. Throughout the day, however, the clouds will dissipate locally and the sun should appear among dense clouds and showers of rain in all parts of the country at dusk.

The wind turns to the west and blows from moderate to strong in the Danube region. Expect temperatures between 13 and 21 degrees.

O Tuesday starts from the inn to the almost dry Weinviertel with a sunny window. However, an Italian low will quickly bring further rain from the south into the country during the day. Especially on the eastern edge of the Alps, this falls abundantly, by the end of the night the snowfall line in the west drops to 1200 m.

While the rain in East Tyrol and Carinthia eases in the evening, the wind picks up in the east. Temperatures should stay between 9 and 18 degrees.

Snow line drops to 1,000 meters

In the middle of the week, winter should return in isolated cases. In addition to longer-lasting rain, especially on the north side of the Alps, snowflakes occasionally mingled up to 1,000 meters on Wednesday. The sun is rarely out, but most likely in the west and south of the main mountain range of the Alps.

The climate in the east is just as hostile: here the northwest wind blows stronger, sometimes gusty, and from 6 to 16 degrees it is clearly undercooled for the time of year. Especially from Vorarlberg to western Lower Austria, temperatures remain in the single digits. “By mid-May, highs of around 21 degrees would be normal here,” says Ubimet.

Less rain on holiday

For Ascension Day on Thursday the weather situation improves a little. Early in the day, especially along the northern Alps, there can still be occasional drops of rain. Gradually, however, a mixture of sun and clouds is spreading across the country, with little tendency for rain in the central and southern mountains.

With moderate wind, from the east also strong to strong coming from the north, temperatures rise from 10 to 18 degrees.

The beginning of summer is approaching

With the sun in the west and just a few more showers, the temperature will rise Friday finally above the 20 degree mark again. In the east it seems that the clouds are still predominant, but with 14 to 19 degrees it is already warming up here.

“And that trend is likely to continue into the weekend,” according to Ubimet’s encouraging forecast. From next Sunday, values ​​around or above 25 degrees will be indicated again.

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