The 22 year old Google engineer plans to retire at 35 and

Google employee fired after 19 years with the company. This is what he has to say – NDTV

Google employee fired after 19 years with the company.  This is what he has to say

Bourrillion emphasized his eagerness to explore new pursuits.

New Delhi:

Kevin Bourrillion, a Google employee with an impressive 19 years of service at the company, recently faced an unexpected career change. After nearly two decades with the company, Bourrillion was laid off.

He took to social media to share his thoughts on the end of his long journey at Google.

“End of an era! After working at Google for 19 years, more than 16 of which were on the team I founded, I made the difficult decision yesterday morning to finally bite the bullet and find out that I had been let go overnight. Bourrillion posted on his social media accounts.

While acknowledging the challenges of being laid off, Bourrillion expressed a surprisingly positive outlook. “Layoffs suck, but in my case… it’s okay because I needed a change in my life for a very long time. And I have no plans to rush into anything else right now,” he shared.

Instead, Bourrillion emphasized his eagerness to try new pursuits, such as cycling, reading, resuming drum lessons, traveling and spending quality time with his family.

“In my case, no expressions of condolence are necessary! And with that, I set out to figure out how to actually live my life!” he exclaimed.

Bourrillion's departure coincides with Alphabet Inc.'s recent announcement of layoffs across its digital assistant, hardware and engineering teams.

A Google spokesperson addressed the layoffs, stating: “During the second half of 2023, a number of our teams made changes to become more efficient and perform better, aligning their resources with their highest product priorities. Some teams continue to make these types of organizational changes, which also include some role eliminations around the world.”

The affected employees, including those from the Google Assistant and augmented reality hardware teams, will have the opportunity to apply for open positions elsewhere at Google.