1664827085 Google is designing a really weird keyboard and we like

Google is designing a really weird keyboard and we like it [VIDÉO]

Google Japan engineers reveal a April fools out of season and introduce a new keyboard that’s perfect for cramped or crowded desks.

After the Cup keyboard, Google Japan decided to reinvent the computer keyboard once more. Designers unveil a prototype Gboard keyboard with keys arranged in a single line, measuring 1650mm in length and 64mm in depth.

Thanks to the filigree design of the Gboard keyboard, Google offers a solution for crowded offices. “A total of 17 panels (16 panels for installing keys and 1 circuit) are connected in a single straight line,” explains one of the engineers in the video that showcases the ingenuity of this gadget.

Google also believes this version of the Gboard keyboard fixes a major issue with existing keyboards. “I often look for a key on a traditional keyboard and wonder where it is. With [le Gboard]it’s easy to see that the 16th letter from the left is “G,” explains Iitsuka Shuhei, Senior UX Engineer.

In addition, this type of design would solve the worries that cat owners may have when working from home. Google claims that the shape of the keyboard is perfect as sneaky cats won’t step on it, making this keyboard a perfect accessory for those working from home.

These two engineers are now friends for life thanks to Gboard.


These two engineers are now friends for life thanks to Gboard.

Google also has other keyboard perks. “If two people work on it in tandem, the development speed doubles and new friendships can also be made,” says the narrator of the video.

The Gboard can also be used as a stick for turning off the light remotely, finding an item under the sofa, a utensil tray, a balance stick when walking a slackline 100m in the air, and even a stick for hiking in the woods.

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Although the Gboard isn’t available for purchase, Google has shared the files needed for its design on GitHub, allowing those who believe in the idea to create their own Gboard.