GOP senators release new Hunter Biden financial documents

GOP senators release new Hunter Biden financial documents

Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have the receipts they claim linking Hunter Biden to a company linked to the Chinese government as they resumed their investigations into the Biden family’s foreign financial involvements this week.

Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, said Monday in the Senate that the documents add to evidence that Hunter Biden “used his father’s position and name to enrich himself and his family.”

Grassley, an Iowa Republican, shared two images showing a $100,000 remittance from Chinese state-controlled energy company CEFC through Wells Fargo Clearing Services in August 2017, which included “additional loans to Owasco,” a company of Hunter Biden.

Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley (pictured) and Ron Johnson have the receipts, they claim, linking Hunter Biden to a company linked to the Chinese government.  This week they resumed their investigation into the Biden family's foreign financial involvements

Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley (pictured) and Ron Johnson have the receipts, they claim, linking Hunter Biden to a company linked to the Chinese government. This week they resumed their investigation into the Biden family’s foreign financial involvements

Senator Ron Johnson, standing next to a Hunter Biden financial document, said in the Senate Monday that the new documents add to the evidence that Hunter Biden

Senator Ron Johnson, standing next to a Hunter Biden financial document, said in the Senate Monday that the new documents add to the evidence that Hunter Biden “used his father’s position and name to enrich himself and his family.”

Senator Chuck Grassley on Monday tweeted financial documents showing a $100,000 remittance from Chinese state-controlled energy company CEFC through Wells Fargo Clearing Services in August 2017, which indicated

Senator Chuck Grassley on Monday tweeted financial documents showing a $100,000 remittance from Chinese state-controlled energy company CEFC through Wells Fargo Clearing Services in August 2017, which indicated “further loans to Owasco,” a Hunter Biden company were

“I just gave a speech in the Senate showing the financial connection between the Chinese communist government and Hunter Biden and James Biden. Sen Johnson and I will be sharing more soon. STAY TUNED,” Grassley said in a tweet Monday night, sharing the documents.

Both senators discussed the investigation Monday in the Senate.

“Sen. Johnson and I will be creating new records to show additional ties between the Biden family and the Chinese communist regime,” Grassley announced. “Our report uncovered extensive financial ties between Hunter and James Biden and Chinese nationals linked to the communist regime.”

Grassley and Johnson released two reports on Hunter Biden's foreign operations (pictured) in 2020, but they were largely characterized as partisan attacks during a presidential election year

Grassley and Johnson released two reports on Hunter Biden’s foreign operations (pictured) in 2020, but they were largely characterized as partisan attacks during a presidential election year

Grassley and Johnson previously produced two reports, one in September 2020 before the election and one in November 2020 after President Joe Biden’s election, which “revealed millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and his associates and foreign individuals with ties to the.” Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.”

At the time, the reports were largely characterized as a partisan crackdown during an election year.

The reports came out around the same time as the New York Post reported the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the Biden campaign described as Russian propaganda.

The laptop contained emails related to Hunter Biden’s overseas operations.

Earlier this month, the New York Times said the contents of the laptop – left at a Delaware computer store – had been “authenticated”.

Johnson used his time on the ground primarily to slam his fellow Democrats and journalists for not taking the 2020 reports seriously, calling it a “media class cover-up.”

“When it comes to our investigation of the Biden family’s vast web of foreign financial involvements, these attacks had one goal in mind: to cover up the extent to which President Biden may be, and almost certainly is, compromised,” Johnson claimed.

Johnson said he and Grassley were undeterred.

“In the next few days, Sen. Grassley and I will be speaking to present additional evidence that has not yet been released,” Johnson said. “These records show extensive ties between the Biden family and elements of the Chinese communist regime — we’re talking about high-dollar transactions.”

Johnson said some of the material had already been highlighted in the two 2020 reports. “But our speeches will put new financial documents on the record for all to see,” he said.

“Now we expect the Democrats and the media to continue to use their power to frame us and cover up the Bidens, but truth has a power of its own and we intend to continue exposing the truth,” Johnson added.

Not only are the two Republican senators investigating Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings, but so are prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware, as the first son’s tax records are under legal scrutiny.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that the case is picking up steam, with a number of Hunter Biden’s business associates and witnesses testifying before a grand jury, including about his Burisma deal in Ukraine.

The Journal reported that a witness was questioned at length about Hunter Biden’s cocaine and drinking habits, as well as his mental state.

The Burisma deal is the most famous as it was central to President Donald Trump’s first impeachment.

Hunter Biden was paid about $50,000 a month from 2014 to 2019 to sit on the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company – something Trump has repeatedly brought up.

Trump now sensed that President Joe Biden could be a formidable enemy in 2020, and in July 2019 urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to announce an investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden over Hunter’s Ukraine-based operations.

Trump pressured Zelensky by withholding $400 million in congressional-approved military aid, impeachment supporters said.

Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives but acquitted in the Senate, where there was a Republican majority.