The dissatisfaction of the Five Stars continues to agitate the government and the majority. The words of With you In the past few days he has blown up the balance sheet with a direct attack on Draghi after the election of Stefania Craxi to the external commission. A literally explosive situation that could create a veritable earthquake in the executive branch. And to keep Palazzo Chigi in suspense are the tensions within the pentastellati. Tensions that, in fact, did not abate even after the urgent Council of Ministers called by Draghi, which lasted only 10 minutes to ask the parties for a Ferno on the disputes that risk ruining the seal of government.
However, at this point, as a Messenger background recalled, the frontal war against Drgahi has shifted to the chat grilline, where the Pentastellati Don’t miss an opportunity to target the Prime Minister. The Grillini are divided into two factions: one is the governmental wing, referring to Di Maio, the other is the rebel wing, referring to Conte instead. But that aside, giving up the cell phones of the grillini it’s always the same: “Shouldn’t decisions be shared and coordinated at least with us parliamentarians?”. The hypothesis that everything could fall apart before the end of the legislature is a real risk.
And sounding the alarm is Carlo Calenda: “Yes, because they are crazy”, he said about the Grillini. And again: “I’m not ruling it out because politics is playing the game of irresponsibility: In the Senate, the 5’s nominated one for Putin to chair the foreign affairs commission, then they split.” Di Maio and Conte who hate each other but pretend to get along and ended up wreaking havoc and questioning the government.” In short, anything can access and anything can come down well before the natural end of the legislature…