Great! Interest in politics declines in Brazil during 2023 Check

During this time, the radicalization of politics, the compulsion to engage on social media at all costs, led to the quantumstyle spread of misinformation hysterical increase in search queries for topics that may be related to politics, but in practice represent their negation. The unsuccessful 8/1 scam was the culmination of this process.

Since then, there have been initiatives to punish those who tried to hijack the political debate and transform it into the spread of hatred, such as the arrest of Anderson Torres, the conviction of Bolsonaro and the impeachment of opportunists.

Once this phase of the coup plotters' reckoning with the courts is over, there is a tendency for political issues to become “boring” again in comparison: discussions about public policies, the dismantling of privileges and other very important things that do not awaken even half of the audience. Interest and curiosity as the flashy phrases and crazy actions of the Bolsonaro era.



O News analysis airs Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.