Great photos of Roxane Bruneau discover the photo shoot on

Great photos of Roxane Bruneau: discover the photo shoot on video!

On the eve of his album release Overwhelmed On November 17th, Roxane Bruneau finds herself on the front page of the Weekend! In the video, discover the other side of the beautiful photo session led by photographer Jocelyn Michel from Le Consulat.

There was a good mood in the studio while a whole team made sure to find THE right shot for the cover of the weekend section.

• Also read: “Now I’m not afraid anymore”: Roxane Bruneau talks about her anxiety problems and her album entitled “Submerged”

“Now I’m no longer afraid,” declares Roxane Bruneau. With his third album “Submerged,” out November 17th, the 32-year-old artist finally manages to take his rightful place. Discover the full interview in the Weekend Notebook.