Greenland A glacier fascinates researchers franceinfo

Greenland: A glacier fascinates researchers – franceinfo

Published on February 12, 2023 9:35 p.m

Video length: 4 min

Greenland: A glacier fascinates researchers -

Greenland: A glacier fascinates researchers Greenland: A glacier fascinates researchers – (France 2)

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In Greenland, a French-American scientist is trying to decipher one of the largest glaciers using an underwater robot, a report says.

It is one of the largest glaciers in the Arctic, but also one of the most inaccessible. A monster 70 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide. Located high up in Greenland, in a large, breathtaking gorge. This glacier is of interest to researchers because it could develop and contribute to sea level rise. In August 2010, an iceberg larger than Paris and Brussels combined broke off. But very few scientific missions have had the opportunity to get there. “We will not stop them, it is vulnerable to climate change, we will measure its melting rates, this has never been done before, we will send a robot to dive,” explains Eric Grignot, a glaciologist researcher present on site.

An underwater robot for better understanding

This robot could allow us to better understand how and at what rate melting occurs. “We can’t land a plane in these corners,” explains the researcher. At this point the glacier no longer rests on the mainland but floats.

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