Gregory Charles is a musical tribute to Karl Tremblay and

Gregory Charles is a musical tribute to Karl Tremblay and the Cowboys Fringants

Gregory Charles celebrated the premiere of his new show Gregory Charles – 7 Thursday evening at the Place des Arts and could not ignore the collective grief experienced by Quebecers since yesterday’s announcement of the death of Karl Tremblay, singer of the Cowboys Fringants.

“We experience an emotion together. “For me, grief, loss, sadness is what I experience with music,” Gregory Charles opened toward the end of his show celebrating the culture of comedy and musical films.

The 55-year-old singer and musician used his medley of Elton John hits to perform a portion of “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” on the piano in honor of the “missing giant.”

Then his 11-year-old daughter Julia came to him to perform “On my Shoulder, the head,” more specifically, on her emotional father’s shoulder; The audience’s throats tighten with emotion as tears roll down their cheeks in the heart of darkness.

Gregory and his singers also delivered, among other things, an excerpt from the song “A Musician” by Harmonium to return with the end of the song by Cowboys Fringants, which was clearly the most played piece on the radio and at home since the singer announced his disappearance on Wednesday .

“I take your applause as an incentive for all of Quebec, for his family, his friends, for all the people who loved him,” said Gregory Charles, with a lump in his throat after the warm applause.

“Without a doubt these songs will become musical theater songs,” he said.

The artist added that he would also have liked to sing the song Le Vaisseau d’or, which is about the story of a giant who is doing well and who is “down for this song of the giant of Quebec that goes.” will, but he was afraid of crying too much to interpret it.

Tributes to the leader of the Cowboys Fringants, who died of prostate cancer on Wednesday at the age of 47, have continued to grow from both the public and local artists since the shocking announcement of his disappearance.