Greta Rossetti is annoyed by some sentences from Mirko Brunetti Big Brother 2023 | Girlfriend Big Brother

December 6, 2023

The girl feels that her feelings are of little importance to the boy and makes her position clear to him

Between Mirko And Greta There is another consolation because of all their misunderstandings, this very unstable relationship that neither of them can give a name to. On the one hand, there is Mirko, who feels unheard and says: “I was able to prove what I wanted, but it wasn’t worth anything.” According to the competitor, all the excuses he made, all the attempts to make amends were worth less than zero: “You didn’t Listened, you didn’t want to understand what I had to say to you.”

However, on the other hand, there is Greta, who says she is hurt, that she did everything to protect her story, while Mirko devalued her in less than a second: “When you belittled our relationship, you hurt me. “

The entrepreneur tries once again to justify himself and explains that what he has achieved recently is not at all to say that their story is not important, quite the opposite. He tries to understand and make amends for his mistakes, but he feels like he is always in the wrong. The girl clarifies her thoughts: “You have said many times sentences that degraded our relationship, such as that we ran too fast.” The competitor sees her feelings eliminated, almost pushed aside, but the boy defends himself by explains: “The feelings are strong, but I ran too far because I thought the choice I made was safe.”

Greta remains amazed, tired of not being able to make herself understood. Between them there is a wall that reflects the opinions of one and the other and prevents them from uniting. It still takes time and Mirko explains that being alone may be the only solution.