The Colombian Air Force’s current fleet of IAI Kfir fighters is approaching the end of its service life and replacement options include the North American Lockheed Martin F16 and the Swedish Saab Gripen, the latter being the same model used for Brazil.
Speaking to Blu Radio, Defense Minister Iván Velásquez confirmed that negotiations are ongoing with various bidders to replace its fleet of Israeliorigin fighter jets, which will be available by the end of its operational life cycle in the first half of 2023.
“Within the National Defense System, in the project intended to maintain the capabilities of the Armed Forces, the replacement not only of the Kfir is envisaged, but of many elements that are reaching the age of obsolescence,” commented Velásquez.
Image: Brazilian Air Budget
The Colombian Air Force (FAC) has been trying to replace its Kfir fleet with a new fighter aircraft for some time, but the economic crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic, exacerbated by the social and institutional crisis that shook the country over the year 2021, made it impossible to perform the operation.
Among the proposals received by the FAC, the Airbus consortium stood out, offering 15 new Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 3, of which 12 were single and 3 were twoseaters. To add a more economical offer from the Spanish government for 17 Tranche 1 exEdA (Ejército del Aire y Espacio) aircraft, which would be delivered upgraded to a superior Tranche, a configuration very similar to Tranche 2.
From France, the Dassault Rafale C was offered in its latest production variant, the F3. Whether they also provided used equipment, as in the Greek or Croatian cases, is not known.
For its part, the Israeli company IAI offered its Kfir NG, the most advanced version developed to date of this emblematic fighter. The Kfir NG can be purchased as a new build or as a modernization of existing systems. It turned out to be the most economical proposal as it involved restoring, extending cell life and upgrading the Kfir from FAC to NG level. But in the end it doesn’t seem to have caught on in the competition.
F16 and Gripen, the favourites
According to various sources consulted, FAC and Defense Ministry commanders prefer the US candidate, the Lockheed Martin F16V Block 70 and the Swedish Saab Gripen E/F.
Both are 4.5++ generation single engine aircraft (which appears to be what the Colombian Air Force is looking for) with AESA radar, 5th generation electronic architecture, relatively low radar cross section (RCS) and a more than capable and balanced weaponry.
Both weapon systems have the advantages of being cheaper to operate than a twinjet (particularly a Gripen E with an estimated flight hour of $8,000), being ahead of the game by youth and many years of flight hours, and being technologically combined with the 5th generation aircraft.
For its part, Saab claims that the Gripen E/F is the most costeffective solution for Colombia, mainly due to its compensation plans and technology transfer. To this end, she would try to organize an industrial participation with the CIAC (Corporation of the Aeronautical Industry of Colombia).
However, for some time, evidence from Bogotá has pointed to the North American fighter jet as the FAC and government’s preferred option. Negotiations with Lockheed Martin are well advanced for 2021. Rumor had it that the contract to purchase 14 F16V Block 70s would be worth $4.5 billion.
But as Minister Velásquez rightly said during the interview, the final decision will rest with the Colombian government: “There was no discussion with the US government, it is an exclusive decision of the Colombian government. What President Petro has proposed is to get the best benefit for the country. If true, it will be the most lucrative purchase for Colombia.”
Colombia is the United States’ key ally in the region, and ties between the two countries’ armed forces are historically close. This situation cannot be ruled out and undoubtedly speaks in favor of the US option. Sweden and Saab would have to make an extremely favorable offer to Colombia to overcome this political disadvantage and position themselves at an advantage.
It should never be forgotten that beyond the recommendations of the armed forces and the technical characteristics of each weapon system, this type of choice is essentially political.