1694122376 Grocery shopping at Dollarama Dont sulk at this discount store

Grocery shopping at Dollarama: Don’t sulk at this discount store.

As inflation and grocery store prices continue to rise, consumers are looking for discounts more than ever. Have you ever thought about going to Dollarama to shop for your shelf-stable products? Pictures prove that you can save money in this store.

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At least that’s what a Facebook user, Carole Doiron, demonstrates with a series of pictures in which she compares the prices at Dollarama with those at a supermarket. From June to today, price photos have been taken in order to be able to follow the price development. We see that identical items with the same brand and weight are sometimes half the price at Dollarama.

Take Kraft brand peanut butter as an example: it costs $3.50 at Dollarama and $5.99 at the supermarket. The same goes for a pot of Heinz ketchup for $3.25 at Dollarama and $9.49 at the other grocery chain.

Grocery shopping at Dollarama: Don't sulk at this discount store.

Facebook: Carole Doiron

For Sylvain Charlebois, agri-food industry specialist at Dalhousie University, this is anything but surprising and we should take advantage of it, especially given the current economic situation.

Grocery shopping at Dollarama: Don't sulk at this discount store.

Facebook: Carole Doiron

“We’re not talking about a few pennies here! It costs more than 6 US dollars, you can save a lot with it!” he states in an interview with TVA Nouvelles. He also adds that the expiration date will remain the same. “There is no trap!” he explains.

Grocery shopping at Dollarama: Don't sulk at this discount store.

Facebook: Carole Doiron

“Why avoid these discount stores?”

Despite Dollarama’s blatantly low prices compared to major grocery chains, the shelves remain full. Mr Charlebois explains that consumers tend to ‘avoid these discounters’.

Grocery shopping at Dollarama: Don't sulk at this discount store.

Facebook: Carole Doiron

Some people feel “elitist” about Dollarama and other discounters, according to the food industry specialist. “It’s certain that Dollarama doesn’t offer the same experience, it’s not the same business model and it doesn’t offer everything… But money is money!” he concludes.

Grocery shopping at Dollarama: Don't sulk at this discount store.

Facebook: Carole Doiron