Groundhog Day in Education Le Journal de Quebec

Groundhog Day in Education

Does this title bring back memories? This is a movie from the 90’s.

It features a weatherman named Phil Connors. He has a report made on the occasion of Groundhog Day. But when filming is over, a snowstorm forces him to spend the night there. After this event, each time her alarm goes off, the same day begins again.

At the beginning of the school year, Patrick Lagacé felt the same as Phil: “It’s a bit like Groundhog Day, in education the same problems come up year after year without really being solved. I quote the professors here […] tell me more or less what I heard seven, five and three years ago.

On some topics I even dare to say that we have been on the road for at least 25 years.


I think I’m Phil. I relive the same day over and over again.

Recently, Le Devoir “taught” us that private schools and teachers want to use two bulletins (here and here). This fall, a letter published in Le Journal and co-signed by more than 6,275 teachers called for the same (here).

I think I’m Phil. I relive the same day over and over again.

I read and hear comments about the rating. Always the same. Sometimes interesting, often irrelevant. During my master’s degree I wrote an essay entitled Concordances and divergences between Teachers’ Evaluation Practices and the Learning Evaluation Policy. Despite everything, I still feel like I’m learning more about it. I realize that we have several different opinions on this subject. The subject is complex and some should show a little humility. As this policy dates back to 2003, we may just be ripe for an update.

And even

I think I’m Phil. I relive the same day over and over again.

The Minister of Education tells us that he will work with the CEO of the CSS du Pays-des-Bleuets to try to avoid the closure of 50% of 4-year-old kindergartens. Meanwhile, the Samares CSS announces that it will close nearly 40% of its own. Surprised? It’s not like in 2018 everyone is saying the government is wrong on this record.

I think I’m Phil. I relive the same day over and over again.

The PQ wants an investigation into “contempt for the nation” in schools. Are you kidding me? A Flo takes on his teacher and this is your big fight? We could start repairing what has dragged on for decades. The list is long. Just do a press review of the last 25 years.

I think I’m Phil and I’ve been hoping for a long time that this endless day will finally come to an end.

But I’m beginning to think that several of my colleagues before me figured out how to stop repeating this time cycle.

They have sanctified their camp.

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