Gruesome Write the letter T on a piece of paper

Gruesome! Write the letter “T” on a piece of paper and we’ll reveal something incredible Edict Concursos Brasil

The study of graphology seeks to understand how letters affect human personality. This evaluation has been used by the criminal police for many years, as each letter is unique. Therefore, its way of writing, that is, the format of writing, reveals some of its psychological characteristics. See below how to write the letter T and what it reveals about its nature.

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Letter 1 Security and emotional balance

This straighter handwriting with ruled strokes testifies to security and emotional balance. Therefore, it reveals the personality of a person who knows how to enjoy the present while making plans.

Letter 2 Stiffness and lots of energy

All the energy of those who have a rounded line that expands needs to be channeled. When you have a letter like this, be careful about selfdemanding and try to finish projects without leaving them unfinished.

Letter 3 Proactive and influential

Because of their proactive profile, those with the letter 3 need to be on the lookout for those who take advantage of these benefits. A willingness to help and participate does not prevent saying “no” when someone crosses the line.

Letter 4 Aggressive and moody

Luckily, the letter 4 is very rare, because it’s dealing with someone who is unlikely to mince words in a debate. This aggressive attitude needs to be evaluated very carefully as it affects the development of the individual.

Letter 5 Rational and inflexible

Those who tend to keep handwriting small and very perfect tend to be rational and inflexible. Therefore, it is difficult for them to make friends, and in the end, trauma accumulates when they cannot express their own feelings.

Letter 6 Passionate and dreamy

Further curved letters on the right show a dreamy profile idealizing all sorts of situations. That is why you must learn to keep your feet on the ground and look at reality in order to feel fulfilled.

Letter 7 Conscious and reserved

If your letter is more curved on the left and mediumsized, you’re probably an inquiring person. However, this desire to accumulate knowledge keeps you aloof from social experiences.

Letter 8 Sad and kind

Although friendly and a great companion, the passivity profile of those with the letter number 8 leads to loneliness. As much of a human being as you are, your low selfesteem can be a symptom of depression.