Grupo lays off at least 20 journalists

Grupo lays off at least 20 journalists

There were cuts in the media “Valor Econômico”, “CBN”, “O Globo” and “Extra” in São Paulo, Brasília and Rio de Janeiro.

Grupo Globo fired at least 20 journalists on Monday (November 6th, 2023). The cuts occurred at Valor Econômico, CBN, O Globo and Extra in newsrooms in São Paulo, Brasília and Rio de Janeiro.

Among the laidoff workers is Carlos Andreazza, a CBN anchor in Rio de Janeiro. He worked in radio for about three years. On his account on X (formerly Twitter), the journalist said he worked with “incredible people” and learned “a lot” at the outlet.


Fenaj (National Association of Journalists) and the journalists’ unions in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia issued a statement calling for the dismissals to be lifted.

According to the organizations, the layoffs were not previously negotiated with the unions and Grupo Globo has not presented any measures to mitigate the impact of the layoffs.

“The company must immediately begin negotiations with companies and guarantee that there will be no further cuts in the coming days,” they said.

The statement also cites Grupo Globo’s cuts at the start of 2023. From April 3rd to 6th, at least 40 employees from the media group’s journalism department were laid off. At that time, the shutdowns were carried out at g1, GloboNews, TV Globo and subsidiaries. The fired workers included journalists who had been with the company for years, such as César Galvão, Marcelo Canellas and Giuliana Morrone.

O Power360 Grupo Globo asked Fenaj and the unions for comment on the note but did not receive a response by the time this report was published. The room remains open for demonstrations.

Here is the full statement released by Fenaj together with the unions:

“This Monday, at least 20 skilled workers were laid off: the company had not previously held negotiations with the unions

“Our category has demonstrated on numerous occasions its central role in defending democracy and the free flow of information. To the bosses, however, we are mere expendable commodities, calculated on spreadsheets by suits who know little (but should know) that quality journalism is done by professionals who have decent salaries and respected rights.

“Unfortunately, this Monday (November 6), professionals from ‘Valor’, Editora Globo and ‘CBN’ were laid off in the company’s three headquarters, in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District. So far, at least 20 journalists have been fired in a previous union survey.

“The scale and impact of these cuts, which could be described as mass layoffs, have not been previously negotiated with the unions. To make matters worse, the company has not even presented plans that would at least mitigate the impact of the layoff, such as extending the health insurance plan. Professionals with decades of experience and major contributions to journalism were summarily fired.

“The SP, RJ and DF journalists’ unions and the National Association of Journalists (Fenaj) denounce this serious situation and call for the dismissals to be lifted.” The company must immediately start negotiations with companies and guarantee that there will be no further cuts in the coming days comes.

“The newspaper ‘Valor Econômico’, Editora Globo (which publishes the magazine ‘O Globo’ and monthly magazines) and CBN are under the same management within Grupo Globo. In April, TV Globo also carried out a mass layoff, laying off hundreds of radio presenters and journalists across the company’s various locations.

“The unions express their full solidarity with the dismissed journalists and remain available to provide support and fight for the rights and dignity of our category!

“Union of Journalists of São Paulo, the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District
National Association of Journalists”