Guardian Russian and Chinese hackers breached an English nuclear power

Guardian: “Russian and Chinese hackers breached an English nuclear power plant that has been kept secret since…

Guardian Russian and Chinese hackers breached an English nuclear power

Eight years ago, computer hackers who intelligence sources said had ties to China and Russia managed to break into the control system at Britain’s Sellafield nuclear power plant. The news appears today in an investigation by the English newspaper Guardian, which accuses those responsible of covering it up for almost a decade. According to the newspaper it was a hacker attack […]




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Eight years ago, computer hackers linked, according to intelligence sources to China and Russia They managed to hack the control system of the British Sellafield nuclear power plant. The news appears today in an investigation by the English newspaper Guardian, which accuses those responsible of covering it up for almost a decade. The hacker attack, according to the newspaper, was discovered in 2015, with the identification of malware (malware, editor’s note) installed in the power plant’s computer system. A spokesman for the station he glossed over the revelationHe limited himself to stating that those responsible for the plant take the criminal acts “extremely seriously”. Internet security” and which have “embarked on a path of significant strengthening” of protection over the last 10 years to respond “to the challenges of the modern world”: with improvements including: “the isolation of security systems” Emergency status of the power plant in relation to “the computer system”.

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Sellafield is a former nuclear power plant between the oldest in the UK, and is located in the north of the country. For some time now it has been used exclusively as a location for Lo disposal of nuclear waste, Surgery is considered high risk. The intelligence sources cited by the newspaper do so In any case, they show alarm and They suspect that hackers, spies and “foreign” countries have actually had access to it for years secret materials (defined as the “highest level of confidentiality”) relating to the activities of a website that is theoretically prohibited.

The government of Rishi Sunak, through a spokesman for the Department of Energy, has since warned that the matter is under further investigation. “We expect the highest protection and safety standards even in former decommissioned nuclear facilities,” warned the spokesman and at the same time underlined how the independent British authority The sector regulator ruled out that “public safety was at risk” at Sellafield. “Many problems have historical roots and regulators have long been working with those responsible at Sellafield to ensure that all necessary improvements are implemented,” he also noted. The news was announced as the COP28 climate conference takes place in Dubai The nuclear option was revived.