GuardRail an open source project promoting the ethical development of

GuardRail, an open source project promoting the ethical development of AI – GoodTech Info

12/28/2023 Cédric12/28/2023 Une alliance pour soutenir l039OpenUSD et l039innovation ouverte en 3D.svg1691375547 30 Une alliance pour soutenir l039OpenUSD et l039innovation ouverte en 3D.svg • Bookmarks: 2

GuardRail, an open source project promoting ethical AI development

What if an open source framework managed to provide safeguards to govern AI in an ethical, safe and, most importantly, explainable way? That's the crux of GuardRail, a new project approach to managing AI systems.

On December 20th, version 0.3.0 of Guardrails AI was released. The opportunity for us to present this ambitious project that falls within the framework of ethical AI.

GuardRail is an open source API-driven framework with a wide range of features such as advanced data analysis, bias reduction and sentiment analysis. Goal: Promote responsible AI practices by giving companies access to free generative artificial intelligence protection solutions.

The heart of Guardrails is the rail specification. Rail is designed to be a human-readable, language-independent format for specifying structure and type information, validators, and corrective actions for LLM output.

Technically, Guardrails is an open source Python package. The development is under the Apache 2.0 license and is open source on the dedicated Github account.

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