1695091946 Guatemalas elected president offers protection in court photos

Guatemala’s elected president offers protection in court (+photos)

Accompanied by hundreds of nationals with flags and banners, the deputy entered the judicial body to also demand through legal channels the resignation of Attorney General Consuelo Porras, the head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity, Rafael Curruchiche, and Judge Fredy Orellana. .

    The elected president of Guatemala presents Amparo in court

“This protection is supported by the strength and enthusiasm of the Guatemalan people, tired of the tricks of the corrupt and longing for a better future,” said the standard-bearer of the Semilla party on the social network X, formerly Twitter.

Addressing the gathered crowd, the sociologist by profession thanked the people for their commitment in the defense of democracy, for their commitment with will, energy, enthusiasm and “with the determination not to give in to these corrupt people who do not stop, do not let go. ” the tin”.

“In moments like these, before this unity, they say that words should be unnecessary because people have already spoken loud and clear, they have already said what they want on June 25 and August 20,” the former added Diplomat, a big winner, added in the polls.

Guatemala wants change to take back hope, the future and the institutions from the hands of the corrupt political-criminal elites who have appropriated them, the politician claimed.

“That is why we saw the need to create protection against those officials who betrayed the country, its people, their oath, violated justice and the Constitution and wanted to circumvent the will of the sovereign,” he emphasized.

He mentioned the professionals, students, businessmen and workers, union members, merchants, men and women from all over the country who had gathered in all squares and said with a single voice: “Enough is enough,” noted the academic and writer.

    The elected president of Guatemala presents Amparo in court

Earlier, Cardinal Álvaro Ramazzini said he was present with the awareness of being another citizen and “like you, we have great hope in this couple elected by the people,” he stressed.

He believed that the great challenge was to unite this deeply divided nation that it has faced throughout history.

Local and international organizations agree that the MP’s maneuvers constitute a violation of electoral and party laws and demand respect for Guatemala’s democracy.
