Gue Pequeno attacks the Maneskin quotNobody cares about her becausequot

Gué Pequeno attacks the Maneskin: "Nobody cares about her because…" dello Sport

The editorial team Monday, November 13, 2023, 9:22 p.m

Gué Pequeno against the Maneskin. In the Growing Up Italian podcast, the rapper explained with conviction to Damiano David and his companions: “Maneskin doesn’t sell records in Italy, nobody cares. They’ll sell out shows too, but.” They don’t sell records. I don’t know who is listening to them. But somehow someone does because the stadiums are sold out. I open social media and see Angelina Jolie and her daughter at her concert“.

Gué’s words about the Maneskins

Gué added: “They also played sold-out concerts in the United States. I think they sold out in New York at Madison Square Garden too.” But they sing in English to rock music. Instead, imagine an Italian rapper rapping in English. That would be a completely different story. What if I tried it? Yes, but just for fun.” It is not the first time that the singer has competed against his younger colleagues: a year ago he had already used unflattering words towards Maneskin.

Gué’s attack on the Maneskin

In other podcasts, Gué had Maneskin as “feigned transgressions. They are Italian and are exported all over the world. In the end they are better than others. WHO? Come on, better her than bad things about Italy. At least they’re a rock band and it’s interesting because they show that someone can do it. They’re a rock band for everyone, with a transgression that isn’t really there. Lemons in between, clip without clothes. You were in the right place at the right time. Then they filled a section that did not exist at that historical point.

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