Gugus son was afraid of the invitation from Domingao com

Gugu’s son was afraid of the invitation from Domingão com Huck August 10, 2023 Illustration

João Augusto, son of presenter Gugu Liberato, says he was scared when he received the invitation to compete against João Guilherme Silva, son of presenter Faustão, in the show Batalha do Lip Sync, shown on Domingão com Huck. to compete.

“At first I was scared because it’s something I’ve never done and couldn’t have dreamed of doing. But I accepted it because it is an opportunity to honor my father and also Faustão, two big names in television,” he said in an interview with Quem Magazine.

The two will recreate the rivalry between Gugu and Faustão in the 1990s, when they competed to see who led the ratings on Sundays.

“We don’t think about winning, we think about honoring our parents. Everything I am and have learned in life came from my father. He taught me, gave me advice and inspired me,” the young man told the magazine.

Both children want to follow in their parents’ footsteps on television. Gugu’s son said on the show Altas Horas that he wanted to continue his father’s career, and João Silva won a show on tape, for which a pilot episode had already been recorded.

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