1692590063 guilty and crowned

guilty and crowned

guilty and crowned

TV coverage of the Daniel Sancho case is disgusting, undignified and unprofessional. The murder, dismemberment, and subsequent distribution of Edwin Arrieta’s 15 body parts constitutes a horrifying crime, no matter how we feel. Many commenters and moderators seem to forget that this man – whose existence we were unaware of just a few weeks ago – is the dead man and the other, the protagonist, is most likely his killer.

No crime aroused as much interest as the Alcàsser girls. But this is in many ways reminiscent of the case of Jarabo (specifically, in La huella del crimen, played by Sancho Gracia), where there was also a life of luxury, a wealthy child, and a tragic ending. Daniel Sancho isn’t just talked about on TV or the networks; It’s something that’s constantly being talked about on the street. However, the public perception is diametrically opposed to the vision offered by the summer programs. Experts like Two Yupa, Alejandra Rubio or Javier Negre have already judged such a powerful event. TV shows us a poor boy who falls victim to a shady conspiracy. The facts do not currently support this vision. We may or may not get the rest of the story.

There are two broken families, yes. But one of them lost someone to murder and they can’t even bury him because parts of the body are missing. Victims are victims and perpetrators are perpetrators. Their condition doesn’t change no matter how good or bad we like their families. These are the truths that are clear to us regarding the murder of Edwin Arrieta. The rest, including excuses and speculation, is social bullshit, a television format that would not exist if there were neither ruthless idiots nor crowned ignoramuses.

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