Haiti declares a state of emergency and a curfew due to the mass escape of prisoners in Port-au-Prince

The government of Haiti stated State of emergency and night curfew after at least a dozen people died in the mass escape at the world's largest prison Prince Port. The measure affects the entire department west, says the official statement. The aim is to “restore order and take appropriate measures to bring the situation back under control,” it said.

The decree came into force from Sunday, March 3rd and extends until Wednesday, March 6thDuring these days there is a travel ban for citizens in the time frame of 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m According to the Haitian government, “deteriorating security” in recent days was the trigger for this decision. “The escape of dangerous prisoners” endangers “national security,” they said.

National security is at risk

The measure, which aims to restore “at risk” national security, affects all residents, with the exception of public security personnel on duty, firefighters, ambulance drivers, health workers and identified journalists. It should be noted that the decree can be extended after the 72-hour period has expired.

    Public security personnel can move freely during the state of emergency.  Photo: AFP.

Public security personnel can move freely during the state of emergency. Photo: AFP.

Patrick Michel Boivertwho acts as Prime Minister in the absence of Ariel Enriquenoted that “law enforcement agencies have been tasked with using all legal means at their disposal to ensure compliance with the ceasefire and to arrest violators.” This mandate comes as police commandos are overwhelmed by crime on the streets are.

Currently, the Haitian government is in a state of uncertainty due to the possibility that other public institutions, such as: National Palace and that Police headquartersbecome the next target of organized gangs. This wave of violence has intensified since Thursday and is reflected in the ongoing clashes within the districts.

Mass exodus in Haiti

At least a dozen people have been recorded dead following the mass escape from Haiti's largest prison in Port-au-Prince. “Many corpses of prisoners were counted,” he reported. Pierre EsperanceManaging Director of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH). Before the attacks, the prison registered a total of 3,800 prisoners, of which only a hundred remain.

 "Law enforcement agencies have been directed to use all legal means at their disposal.", suggested Patrick Michel Boivert.  Photo: AFP.

“Law enforcement authorities have been instructed to use all legal means at their disposal,” said Patrick Michel Boivert. Photo: AFP.

According to the records of the AFP Agencyarmed gangs attacked strategic locations to overthrow them Ariel Henty, who became prime minister in 2021 and had to resign from office at the beginning of February. It is currently unknown how many prisoners managed to escape from prison. Croix des Bouquetsexplained Pierre Esperance.