Hamas Israel conflict Darmanin takes legal action for excusing terrorism

Hamas Israel conflict: Darmanin takes legal action for “excusing terrorism” after publications by pro Palestinian collective

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INFO LE FIGARO – These facts were reported by the Minister of the Interior in accordance with Article 40 of the Criminal Code.

After numerous publications by pro-Palestinian collectives in France, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Saturday initiated legal action under Article 40 of the Penal Code for “excusing terrorism.” These groups particularly glorified the bloody Hamas attack that left more than 1,300 dead on the Israeli side on Saturday, October 7. The “Palestine Will Conquer” collective is particularly targeted. “On an unprecedented scale, this surprise attack unleashed a wave of pride and solidarity throughout occupied Palestine, but also around the world,” he posted on Facebook. “The Hamas message also triggered numerous comments from Internet users expressing their satisfaction with the terrorist attacks,” the ministry specifies in its report to the prosecutor’s office.

For its part, the Facebook account “Samidoun Paris Banlieue,” which presents itself as a solidarity network for Palestinian prisoners, had stated: “The resistance is growing throughout occupied Palestine, breaking the siege of Gaza with a global offensive and confronting the ‘occupiers’.” Land and air, seizing control of Palestinian land, capturing settlers and occupying soldiers, and firing thousands of rockets as Palestinian resistance forces struggle to advance the return and liberation of Palestine.

“This day is our day”

Likewise, Salah Bouabdallah’s Facebook page published the video of the spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas. And added the following comment: “The operations on the ground are taking place as planned.” Dozens of Israeli soldiers and officers have been captured and are in the hands of the Al-Qassam Brigades and are being held in safe locations and in resistance tunnels. This activist also called for resistance against the “enemy”. “This day is our day. This is your chance.”

Also targeted was the collective Action Palestine. “The settlers are caught in the resistance (…). Fear changes sides and the resolve of the Palestinian people is at its strongest. The big fight has begun. Calling all resistance forces. Or in a separate publication. “The end of Zionist colonialism in Palestine is approaching!” The “Indigenous Party of the Republic,” a movement that presents itself as “anti-racist and decolonial,” welcomed Hamas’ attack. “Glory to the Palestinian resistance.” The next day, the small group highlighted an “action” under “heroic conditions.” A publication by the Islamologist Malak Naram Al Kinanay on X was also reported to the public prosecutor.

Well-known collectives

As for the Action Palestine collective, it has long been targeted by the state. In March 2022, the Interior Ministry registered its dissolution by decree, accusing it of “inciting hatred, discrimination, violence” and “provocation to terrorist acts.” But also to “forward press releases” and “to report on the activities of Palestinian terrorist organizations, in particular Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and Hezbollah.” A month later, the State Council suspended this decision on the grounds that it represented “a serious and obviously illegal attack on freedom of association and expression.” And added: “The positions expressed in the association’s publications (…) (. ..) cannot (…) be viewed as a provocation of discrimination, hatred or violence against a group of people.”

The “Palestine Will Win” collective was also the subject of a dissolution decree. The ministry accused him of “cultivating the feeling of oppression of ‘Muslim peoples’ (…) with the aim of spreading the idea of ​​Islamophobia at the international level” “under the guise of defending the Palestinian cause.” But also to call for “discrimination and hatred towards Israel and Israelis,” especially through boycott campaigns. Here too, the highest administrative court stopped the measure. The call for a boycott “reflects the expression of a protest opinion and cannot in itself be viewed as a provocation or as a contribution to discrimination, hatred or violence against a group of people,” she emphasized the institution. The collective was quickly happy about this decision. “A real snub to the government and undermines the propaganda of the Zionist far right and its conflations of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.”

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