Hamas We have been preparing the attack for two years

Hamas: “We have been preparing the attack for two years.” And he says no to the humanitarian corridor. Netanyahu: “It must be crushed like ISIS.” What’s happening: Live News

Rome, October 12, 2023 – Hamas had been preparing last Saturday’s attack for two years. A leader of the Islamic group told Russia Today TV. In response, they are continuous and close to each other Israeli attacks on the Gaza StripToday as well in the darkThereafter Shutdown of the power plant from yesterday. “There will be no electricity, no water, no petrol trucks will go (to Gaza). as long as the Israeli hostages They will not return home,” Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said.

“The fight it will not be limited to the Gaza Strip. Other fronts will join soon,” said Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Quds Forces, the armed organization of Islamic Jihad, in a new audio.

US Secretary of State Antony Flash He traveled to Israel to meet Prime Minister Netanyahu. “Hamas must be destroyed like ISIS,” Netanyahu said in the press conference with Blinken. And Blinken warns: “No one should take action against Israel.”

According to the UN, almost 339,000 people had to flee Gaza Rafah crossingon the border with Egypt, the only one not controlled by Israel.“The crossing is open to traffic and has never been closed since the beginning of the current crisis,” the Egyptian Foreign Ministry stressed in a statement However, the passport is unusable because “the structures on the Palestinian side have been destroyed by repeated Israeli bombings.”

However, Hamas rejected the proposal Open a humanitarian corridor created by Egyptbecause – explained a source – “it would force the Palestinian people to leave their homeland” and would mean a new exodus and the search for refuge.

The Death toll Israeli numbers continue to rise since the start of the war, reaching 1,300. The number of deaths in Gaza According to the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry’s tally, the number of deaths suffered as a result of Israeli bombings in response to the Hamas attack in the West Bank rose to 1,417.

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2:53 p.m

Israeli army: “6,000 bombs will be dropped on Gaza from Saturday”

The Israeli army said it had bombarded the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, controlled by the Islamist movement Hamas, with 6,000 bombs and a total of 4,000 tons of explosives since Saturday. A press release reports about it. “Approximately 6,000 bombs with a total weight of 4,000 tons of explosives were dropped on the Gaza Strip,” the statement continued.

2:35 p.m

The Jerusalem Post confirms the beheading of children

The Jerusalem Post confirms the beheading of children during the Hamas attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza in southern Israel. “The Jerusalem Post can confirm, based on verified photos, that reports of the beheading and burning of children during the Hamas attack are accurate. May her memory be a blessing,” the newspaper wrote in a tweet.

2:26 p.m

Hamas: “We have been preparing the attack for two years”

Two years of preparation for the Hamas attack on Israel using top-secret methods and with the start date of the operation known to very few leaders of the Islamic group. This was revealed to Russia Today TV by a Hamas leader, Ali Baraka, who also said that the “allied” countries were not informed until after the military actions began. In an interview broadcast by the channel on October 8, Baraka revealed that “the number of managers who knew exactly when the attack began could be counted on the fingers of one hand” and that the number of those who knew about the operation.

1:11 p.m

Army: “Gaza will no longer be what it was before”

“Gaza will never be what it was before,” Israeli army chief of staff Herzi Halevi said in his first public speech since the start of the war.

12:50 p.m

Hamas: “No humanitarian corridor”

Hamas rejected Egypt’s proposal to open a humanitarian corridor because, one source explained, “it would force the Palestinian people to leave their homeland” and pose a threat new exodus and the search for refuge. The source added that Hamas continues to demand “access to essential supplies and items such as fuel or electricity, anything that guarantees the 2.3 million Palestinians in the enclave “the right to life,” which is “a constant demand of the group.” . while Gaza is on the brink of humanitarian collapse due to heavy bombing and the total Israeli siege, which also prevents access to food.

12:38 p.m

Egypt: “Rafah was never closed, it is unusable due to Israeli raids”

“The Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is open to traffic and has not been closed since the beginning of the current crisis.” The Egyptian Foreign Ministry specifies this in a statement and emphasizes that the crossing is unusable because “the structures on the Palestinian side were destroyed by repeated Israeli bombings”. Egypt asks “a
“Israel should avoid targeting the Palestinian side of the crossing so that reparations efforts are successful” and allow transit, “a lifeline to support Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip.”

11:23 a.m

Netanyahu: “Hamas must be destroyed like ISIS.” Blinken: “Nobody is taking action against Israel”

“Hamas must be dismantled like ISIS,” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said in a press conference with US Secretary of State Blinken. “We repeat Biden’s very clear warning to everyone: States and non-states think about what to do in this situation, do not act against Israel,” Blinken said during the joint press conference with the Israeli prime minister in Jerusalem. “We have aircraft carriers stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean and will provide further support,” he continued, “we will guarantee that men, women and children taken hostage can be released.”

Blinken is expected in Israel today, where he will meet Netanyahu

Blinken is expected in Israel today, where he will meet Netanyahu


Islamic Jihad: “We will take the fight beyond Gaza”

“The fight will not be limited to the Gaza Strip. Other fronts will join soon.” This was stated in a new audio by Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Quds Brigades, the armed organization of Islamic Jihad, quoted by the Lebanese network Al Mayadeen. Abu Hamza addressed the resistance in the West Bank and called on the Jenin Brigade and the Lion’s Den, as well as all Palestinians present there, to take part in the fight against Israeli occupation. “We were just as prepared outside Palestine as we were inside,” he said. “The events in Gaza will be repeated on other fronts.”


The El Al will fly on the Sabbath, violating Jewish peace

For the first time since 1982, El Al, Israel’s state-owned airline, will fly on Saturday, violating the Jewish Sabbath. The company itself announced this, justifying the decision with the need to return to their homeland the Israelis recalled from the army in the fight against Hamas, as well as the security and rescue workers stranded abroad.

10:20 a.m

Egypt: Ready to open Rafah border crossing if Israel accepts ceasefire

The Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip is expected to open for six hours this evening or tomorrow morning to allow Egyptian humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, provided Israel agrees to a ceasefire. North Sinai Governorate spokesman Mohamed Selim told ANSA. The spokesman added that aid, currently suspended in the cities of al-Arish and Sheikh Zowaid in Sinai, was ready to leave for the Gaza Strip.


Netanyahu-Blinken meeting

A meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has begun at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. After a face-to-face meeting, a statement said, Netanyahu and Blinken would make statements to the press. The meeting will then continue with the participation of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the two new ministers without portfolio in Israel’s new “emergency” government: Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, both former members of the centrist National Union party. Chiefs of Staff.


Iran: “The Islamic world unites against Israel”

“Today, all Islamic and Arab countries and people who want freedom in the world must reach an agreement and work together to stop the crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation,” Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said in a phone call with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, as Mehr reported. “Accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran will try to achieve this convergence as soon as possible by reaching out to Islamic countries,” Raisi added.


Israel is stationing reservists on the border with Lebanon

The Israeli army announced that it had stationed reservists along towns on the border with Lebanon. The move, it was explained, took place as part of the general reinforcement of troops in the northern part of the country following the tense situation with Hezbollah. “These forces – it was explained – carry out defensive tasks, including patrols and roadblocks, to ensure the safety of residents.”


Army: “Let’s overthrow Hamas’ sovereignty”

“We are preparing for the next phase of the war,” said military spokesman Daniel Hagari. “We are undermining Hamas’ ability to maintain its sovereignty and governance” in Gaza. According to Israel’s assessment, there is now great confusion in the ranks of Hamas after the heavy bombings.


Israel shows NATO video of Hamas atrocities: “ISIS of Gaza”

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant today briefed his 31 counterparts gathered in Brussels for the NATO ministerial meeting about the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against children, women, men and the elderly. His office reported this, citing the Times of Israel, saying that the minister also showed them an uncensored video. “We were hit hard. But make no mistake: 2023 is not 1943. We are the same Jews, but we have different abilities. The state of Israel is strong. We are united and powerful,” Gallant said.


Army: Hamas brought ISIS flags

Hamas carried ISIS flags during the attack on the kibbutzim last Saturday. The military spokesman announced this and referred in particular to the Sufa kibbutz.


Scholz: “The Holocaust forces us to defend Israel forever”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz declared this morning in a “government statement” to the Bundestag, the parliament in Berlin, that “our history, our responsibility arising from the Holocaust, imposes on us the eternal duty to defend the existence and security of. “The State of Israel”. “At this moment there is only one place for Germany: the one that stands firmly on Israel’s side,” whose “security” is “Germany’s raison d’être,” the Chancellor explained according to the wording of his speech and reiterated these statements made days ago.


Scholz: “Abu Mazen’s silence is shameful”

“Where is the clear condemnation of terrorist violence by the (Palestinian) Authority and its President Mahmoud Abbas? I say: Your silence is shameful,” he said in a “government statement” made this morning in the German Bundestag. Berlin, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced, according to the text of his speech published by the federal government’s press office. “We have put our entire development cooperation with the Palestinian territories to the test,” added the Chancellor, confirming statements by a minister in his executive branch.

“So far we have no tangible evidence that Iran provided concrete and operational support for this cowardly attack by Hamas. However, it is clear to all of us that Hamas could not have carried out these attacks without Iranian support in recent years. “There are precedents on Israeli territory,” the German Chancellor added.


Israel: “No electricity, water and gasoline until the hostages are released”

“No electricity, no water, no tankers will enter (Gaza) until the Israeli hostages return home,” Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said. “Humanity for the sake of humanity. And no one,” he added, “can lecture us about morality.”


US Secretary of State Blinken is in Tel Aviv

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel after the Hamas attacks. He will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, members of the government and President Isaac Herzog.


Israel, 1,300 dead

The number of Israeli victims of Hamas’ attack on Israel launched on Saturday has risen to 1,300. Israeli media reported this on the grounds that the fate of the approximately 150 people who were kidnapped by terrorists and taken to the Gaza Strip was not yet known. However, around 3,300 people were injured, of which 28 were in critical condition and 350 were in serious condition.


Senior Hamas official killed: ‘Weapons for terrorist attacks in his home’

A senior member of the Hamas naval force in the Gaza Strip was shot dead last night. This is what the IDF states Muhammad Abu Shamalathat was his name, he was a Senior officer of the naval forces the Palestinian terrorist group in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. “Abu Shamala’s house was also used Keep the designated weapons “We will settle the score with everyone who took part in the horrors of war,” the military said. We take Videos from the Internet and we identify them using face recognition” Hagari assured. The IDF claims this took place in isolated attacks overnight hit dozens of sites Belonging to the Hamas commandos.


Ground offensive in Gaza: Find out when it will happen here

The spokesman for Tsahal (as the Israeli Defense Forces are called) Jonathan Conricus, said the ground offensive would take place “when appropriate and suitable for our purposes.” It will certainly be carried out with utmost force: “Every Hamas man is a dead man,” Netanyahu declared. The entire Israeli war cabinet promised “Wipe Hamas off the face of the earth“.
The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuaddressed the nation along with opposition party leader Benny Gantz after the two agreed to form one Emergency government to lead the war against Hamas. The cabinet consists of Netanyahu, Gantz and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. During the fighting with Hamas, the emergency government will not adopt policies or laws unrelated to the situation, Netanyahu and Gantz said in a joint statement.


Biden: “Hamas attack, deadliest day for Jews since Holocaust”

“The Hamas attack on Israel was that deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust“. The American president said it Joe Biden in front of leaders of the Jewish community in Washington. “This attack was a campaign of pure cruelty. Not just hate, but pure Cruelty towards the Jewish people“, the tenant of the White House added, visibly emotional. For the President, given the current circumstances: “Silence is complicity and that is why I refuse to remain silent.” Biden noted that he had spoken again with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and confirmed that the United States was in the process of providing additional military assistance to the Jewish Defense Forces. Biden also said the United States is working on “every aspect” of the Israel hostage crisis.


Borrell, on the way to the mission in Israel. The strategy: “risk reduction” for the EU

The head of the EU foreign policy, who must manage the strategy: “Risk reduction” of the European Union, begins his visit a few days after the outbreak of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which brought pressure Josep Borrell to organize an emergency meeting of European foreign ministers. During the mission, Borrell will also address the topic ongoing war in Ukraine: They tried to position themselves as a neutral party towards China, but ultimately turned their backs on Russia, starting with the votes at the United Nations.


Military objective in Gaza: destruction of the Hamas tunnel network

The latest airstrikes have targeted the Gaza Strip destroy the tunnel network which has served as for decades Hamas operations center. That explains it Jonathan Conricusthe spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces, in a video message published on served to transport supplies and to plan and launch operations against Israel: “Whatever it is, If it belongs to Hamas, we will hit it“.


The death toll is rising: 2,500 on both sides

It goes until almost 2,500 victims of the war that broke out between Israel and Hamas, a number that continues to rise on both sides. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, they are 1,200 dead in the Gaza Strip since the Israeli counteroffensive began in response to the devastating attack by Hamas militants last Saturday. The UN has now announced that they are beyond that 339,000 people were displaced in the Gaza Strip.


USA, no problem in the talks between Riyadh and Tehran

Washington sees no problem with this Conversation between Mohammed bin Salman and Ebrahim Raisias the United States encourages friendly countries to use their influence on Hamas and its supporters in Iran to achieve this Stop the attacks on Israel and free the hostages. That’s what the US Secretary of State is filtering out. Antony Blinkenis about to reach Israel to confirm this firm support for the ally hit by the Hamas offensive.