Harry Potter actor slams JK Rowling Trans women are women

Harry Potter actor slams JK Rowling: ‘Trans women are women’

Harry Potter creator JK Rowling’s transphobic lines have angered several fans of the franchise. However, ever since she began to openly share her biased opinions, the cast of the 2018 films began to oppose the author.

This time Harry Melling, Dudley’s cousin from the film saga, spoke out against Rowling.

In an interview with The Independent, the actor clarifies that there is no doubt. “I can only speak for myself and what I feel is very simple: trans women are women and trans men are men.”

For Melling, it is up to everyone to make decisions about their lives, but he understands that he is not the right person to offer an opinion on the subject. “Every human being has the right to choose who they are and identify with who they really are. I don’t want to get into the debate and point the finger and say ‘that’s right, that’s wrong’ because I don’t think I’m the right person to talk about it. But I believe everyone has the right to choose.”

recent controversy

In September 2022, “The Ink Black Heart”, the new mystery book by JK Rowling, was published in the USA under the controversial pseudonym Robert Galbraith. In the plot, the creator of a cartoon is murdered after being accused of transphobia and racism on the internet.

In an interview with journalist Graham Norton, the Harry Potter creator denies that the story was inspired by her own life and claims she wrote the book before being accused of transphobia.

“I wrote the book before certain things happened to me on the internet. I said to my husband, ‘I think everyone will see this as a reaction to what happened to me,’ but it really isn’t,” says the author.

In the book, cartoon creator Edie Ledwell, also dubbed “The Ink Black Heart,” is called a racist, transphobia, and ableissist after making a joke about an intersex earthworm. She receives threats and goes to the police, who refuse to help. After that she is found dead.

In the interview, JK Rowling claims that fans of the show have nothing to do with fans of “Harry Potter” and that she came up with the idea for the story about three years ago.

The Ink Black Heart is the sixth book in JK Rowling’s crime series. In the fifth book, Troubled Blood, she created a serial killer a cis man who wears women’s clothing to kill cis women.

The pseudonym chosen by the author caused controversy: Robert Galbraith was the name of an American psychiatrist known for experimenting with sexual conversion therapy in the 1950s. He even claimed to have successfully converted a homosexual patient.