Harry Styles in Campovolo fans in line for a week

Harry Styles in Campovolo, fans in line (for a week) dictate the rules: “Appeal every 4 hours and night mandatory

Harry Styles is one of the most renowned artists of recent years and each of his concerts is a sold-out event. Fans are fascinated by the talent of the young singer from Holmes Chapel, a small village in England, who took his first steps into the world of music with him a direction, but found cementing his success with a solo career. His latest tour, Love on tour, kicked off September 4, 2021 at Madison Square Garden for 15 straight nights. Harry returned to Italy on July 25th 2021 in Bologna, also recording a full house here and preparing to return to the Italy he loves so much on July 22nd for an unmissable event in Campovolowhere over 100,000 fans flock to hear their favorite singer.

The RFC Arena venue is very large but all outside and there is no seating so fans have to queue to access their areas and hope to get a good view. However, this does not apply to some girls who already yesterday, July 17, decided to camp at the gates of Campovolo to be the first to enter and have a front row seat. Let’s take a look at the rules enacted and the reaction from fans on social media.

The rules of Campovolo

Harry Styles fans are so passionate and determined that they have braved the heat of Cerberus and Charon, the two heat waves that are bringing temperatures above 40 degrees in over 20 cities. Some girls have decided to queue up since yesterday July 17th to wait for the opening of the gates of Campovolo, the place where on Saturday July 22nd the Harry Styles concert will take place and to get the best seats. As the number of “Harry’s Girls” (name of the singer’s fans) who decide to go camping increases by the hour, the fans have decided to give themselves some rules, including the 9am roll call and staying overnight at the Tent is another mandatory standard.

There are checkpoints and roll calls at 9am, 2pm, 7pm and 11pm to ensure no one leaves their post and spends the night in line.

The reaction on Twitter

Most Harry Styles fans have decided to take it easy, reach Campovolo when the gates can open and wait to avoid sunstroke or guilt from the scorching heat these days . Photos of these “rules” imposed by the camping girls were posted on Twitter and a controversy immediately erupted: “I will not risk feeling bad because you are crazy and have to queue up a week before”, while others take it ironically, saying, “I never showed up for roll call at 9 a.m. at school, but I might be able to do it for Harry.”

The camping fans defended themselves by saying they think it’s meritocracy: “We deserve to be in the front row with Harry in front of us because we’re making sacrifices for him.”

Many remember that at the Bologna concert on July 25, 2022, many fans decided to camp in front of Unipol Arena 5 days before the concert, but the temperature was not that high.

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