Harvard solves grandmothers riddle Does chicken soup make you stronger

Harvard solves grandmothers’ riddle: Does chicken soup make you stronger? Notice of competitions Brazil

The coldest months of the year are reminiscent of times when grandparents and parents keep proposing the traditional chicken soup. It is believed that food helps with flu and colds and strengthens health.

See also: Cold boosts immunity: 3 recipes that will protect your health

Does this food really have the power to boost the immune system and fight diseases such as viral infections? Harvard scientists may have a tentative explanation.

Does Chicken Soup Improve Health?

A recent publication from Harvard University shows that the immune system is influenced by several factors. “It is influenced by the balance between a balanced diet consisting of a variety of vitamins and minerals; adequate sleep; and exercise,” the researchers said.

However, researchers analyzed the micronutrients in chicken soup and found the following:

1 The food is a light and easily digestible food option;
2 There is a lot of liquid, which improves the body’s hydration;
3 Chicken, celery, carrots and onions provide vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, protein and antioxidants.
That said, for those suffering from a cold, chicken soup seems to be a great food option that will help ease the discomfort.

How to make delicious chicken soup at home?

To prepare a delicious chicken soup at home you will need:
Half a cup of rice tea;
4 cloves of garlic;
Salsinha to taste;
1 tablespoon of oil;
1 chopped whole onion;
½ kg chicken wing leg;
1 tablet of chicken broth;
1.5 liters of boiling water;
1 large carrot, peeled and cut into slices or cubes.

method of preparation

First, season the chicken with salt and another seasoning of your choice if you like. Then add the meat to the pressure cooker along with the onion, chicken broth and garlic.

Fry all the ingredients briefly while the water is boiling. Add the boiling water and pour the rice and carrots into the mixture. Reach for the salt if you think it’s necessary. Close the stove and wait for pressure to build up.

After building pressure, let the fire sit at medium temperature for 20 minutes. Finally, after releasing the pressure from the pan, add the parsley and enjoy this incredible chicken soup recipe.